My Latest Musings:

  • Dear Money Adventurer, So, you’re working through your deeper “money stories”, gaining clarity all over the place, and then. . . Boom. Stopped in your tracks around this question: “Which system should I use to keep track of my money??” This is a big, huge hang up for so many people journeying on the path of financial transformation. In this article I’m going to do my darndest to help you move through this piece once and for all, my friends.…

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  • Dear Money Adventurer, Money Dates are one of my favorite ways to create a money self-care practice that’s infused with ritual, creativity, and somatic tools. The scene in the photo above is from one of my very own money dates. Candles, rocks to hold in the palm of my hand (they’re great for grounding), chocolate, a journal, essential oil, and my Art of Money books. To be completely honest, I used to hate everything related with money to-do’s. I would…

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  • Dear Money Adventurer, As a lifelong book lover who grew up on dreams of becoming a published author one day, I still get a thrill when folks ask me about my books. Even though my first book, The Art of Money: A  Life-Changing Guide to Financial Happiness, came out in 2016.  My first book is my heart book. It’s everything I wanted it to be. So when my dear colleague, Barabara Huson (formerly Stanny), invited me to talk about my…

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  • Dear Money Adventurer, Have you heard? On Sunday, July 23rd, I’m teaching a live, virtual workshop all about the Art of Money Dates! This workshop is hosted on Zoom so you can call in from anywhere around the world. And, yes, there will be a recording included. Typically the only ways to work with me are my higher price point financial therapy programs or in a private session, but this is your chance to join me for a live, à…

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  • Dear Money Adventurer, I haven’t offered this in over fifteen years… So, I am absolutely thrilled to announce that the stars have aligned, the timing is right, and two weeks from now, I’m going back to how it all began. On Sunday, July 23rd, I am teaching a live, virtual workshop all about the Art of Money Dates. You heard that right! Typically the only ways to work with me are my higher price point financial therapy programs or in…

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  • Dear Money Adventurer, After a bit of a hiatus, the Art of Money podcast is back with a brand-new episode. I could not be more thrilled to introduce you to my guest: former social worker turned financial therapist, Lindsay Bryan-Podvin. While Lindsay’s expertise speaks to mental health and neurodivergence, we have a shocking amount in common. In an origin story that feels oh so familiar, Lindsay graduated with her Master’s degree in Social Work and began working in the field,…

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