My Latest Musings:

  • Hello, my dear colleague, If you have a business that involves working with clients, what do you do when a difficult money conversation comes up during a session, and your client breaks down, overcome with emotion? What tools or personal practices can you turn to in the moment when your client’s big money emotions trigger your own? How do you learn to work with those difficult emotions and the money stories behind them? What about the fundamental financial understanding you…

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  • Hello my dear colleague, When we do personal money work, or help clients do theirs, it involves a fair amount of digging into the past. Yes, we’re uncovering things like old stories about money, beliefs passed on to us by friends or family, or ways of interacting with money that no longer serve us. But there are often harder emotions that surface. Emotions connected to traumatic events in our past. The way we relate with money is so often tangled…

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  • Hello, my dear colleague, Here’s a wild stat to chew on: 90% of all money decisions are based on emotion. Yes, emotions, not logic or calculations. This deep connection between feelings and finances shapes how we interact with money, each other, and the world around us. In the tapestry of human experiences, financial therapy is the compassionate art of unraveling the threads of those money emotions and the stories behind them. Why Financial Therapy is the Essential Tool You’re Missing…

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  • Hello my dear colleague, If you’re looking for a roadmap to business growth and development that’s infused with your own personal growth – you found it. It’s right inside The Art of Money Mentor Program – a transformative personal and professional journey that holds the keys to unlocking a new dimension of your practice. This intimate, small group program goes beyond theories. It’s an immersive experience that blends mentorship, financial therapy, business development, and personal growth into a comprehensive toolkit.…

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  • Hello, my dear colleague, Money brings up so many emotions, right? But you already knew that. Every day you see your client’s emotions around money shape their relationships, their beliefs about money, and the life decisions they make. In fact, studies have shown that 90% of money decisions are based on our emotions. You see it in your own life, too. You see it in moments like your intimate partner’s somewhat hidden spending and justification of purchases. Or in the…

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  • Hello, my dear colleague. I’m absolutely delighted to announce that the Art of Money Mentor Program is open for registration! A new round of the program begins soon, and I couldn’t be more excited to support the group of folks that are (virtually) arriving for it. In a nutshell, the Art of Money Mentorship Program is a safe, brave, supportive place for you to experience three things: 1) Business growth. Get a collection of new tools that will allow you…

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