My Latest Musings:

  • Dear Money Adventurer, I love talking about our relationship with and to money because I have seen the transformation that follows in the wake of intimate, authentic money conversations. I’ve been on a little bit of a podcast tour for the last few months, and today I want to share one of my most recent interviews with you, including a little sneak peek behind the scenes. This interview with Accounting Alchemy Network, a community for holistic accountants, is a story…

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  • Dear therapist, coach, or financial professional, I have big, exciting news to share with you today! The next round of the Art of Money Mentor Program begins this fall, on September 1st, and it’s open for early birds who are ready to save their seat on the train and begin their journey this Summer! Many of you let us know that you wanted a longer heads-up when the next round of the mentor program is about to begin so you…

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  • Dear Money Adventurer, Sometimes, as we journey deeper into our relationship with money, we find that this work brings up old wounds or emotions that we thought had healed. Like cutting into an onion, new depths are revealed as we peel back the outer layers, and we find ourselves grasping for safety, stability, for enough ground beneath our feet to feel secure. We seek solace in enoughness, but enoughness isn’t just an external state of having sufficient resources. It’s also…

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  • Dear Money Adventurer, Your mind and body had a relationship with money long before you began your conscious money work. Before you began to write your money story with intention, they held it for you, narrating the money lessons and beliefs you’ve inherited and internalized from your family, culture, community, and your own lived experiences of survival, safety, stability, and enoughness. Because your money story isn’t just an external expression of your current financial circumstances, it is life-long and ever-unfolding,…

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  • Dear Money Adventurer, I just came back from a week-long mother-daughter trip to Puerto Vallarta in celebration of my mom’s 77th birthday. We’d been talking about traveling together for a while, and when she suggested we go to Mexico, I said, “YES!” Now, I don’t love the hot sun or the pool like my mom does. But I do love walking around cities, finding colorful murals, exploring a new world of food, and finding restaurants for us to try. We…

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  • Dear Money Adventurer, Back before I started my money journey, I thought money work was boring. Spending money was fun, but the traditional methods for working with money felt stale and uninspiring. Budgeting felt stifling and restrictive, so I didn’t do it. Then I received my first student loan bill, and I had a shocking realization: I had never been taught how to work with money. I have a Master’s degree in Somatic Psychology. I spent years learning to talk…

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