Dear Friend,

I think there is something we need to talk about.


You don’t usually avoid things.


You’ll have that tough conversation with your sweetie -- because you know it’ll bring you closer together.


You try to look more lovingly at the person in the mirror. You work on bringing mindfulness and compassion into your family dinners, your work, and your parenting.


Being a “work in progress” is a great thing. After all: isn’t reflecting deeply what makes life better and better?


Normally, you’ll look the toughest taboo in the eye.


Heck: you’ll pour it a glass of Pinot Noir and share a few laughs.


But there’s one nagging, glaring exception. One area of your life that feels … off. Shameful. Misaligned, maybe.


It’s that thing you’d rather not think about. (Let alone talk about.) Gulp. Sweaty palms. Scary, pit-in-stomach icky feeling.


But IT keeps coming up, anyway. It’s the elephant in the room … that for some reason, you keep turning your back on.


The Money Elephant was there when you panicked after splurging on those amazing $200 boots. Can I actually afford these? What’s my bank account even AT, right now? Aaaaah, when will I be a grownup with money?


The Money Elephant was in the room when your new client asked about your rates and your tongue dried up like the Sahara. I want to “charge what I’m worth,” but what does that even mean?? And what if I just really need the money?


And the Money Elephant was plopped right between you and your sweetie that weekend after you maxed out the credit card -- and gave each other the silent treatment. She spent that much on fancy lotions?? How do couples even TALK about money??


Maybe you’ve tried forcing yourself to get along — by creating super-restrictive budgets. But you inevitably slip up — and feel worse than ever.


You’ve tried visualizing abundance — but that doesn’t really help when you need to hire a bookkeeper.


You’ve tried out-running the elephant. Or throwing all your bills away, hoping if you ignore them long enough you just won’t have to deal with them.


But the elephant isn’t going away. So … what if you could bring all that love and mindfulness and work-in-progress optimism to this area of your life, too?


She doesn’t bite. (Pinkie promise.) And she’s not really a big, scary monster. When you give her a chance, you’ll see: she can be a powerful, loyal friend.


She will move mountains for you to create the life you want.

Want to be closer to your sweetie? She’ll light the candles and pour the wine.


Want to feel more empowered and aflame with purpose? She’ll walk that path with you, pointing out opportunities for clarity and peace of mind.


Want to trust yourself more, and grow into the person you know you can be? She’ll let you ride on his back as you tour realms of profound wisdom, intuition, and personal power, deep within yourself.


Most of us have no idea how to do this, though. We simply weren’t taught how to work with money, from childhood on up. And we certainly weren’t taught how to deal with our emotions about it!



That’s why money is the final frontier of a mindful lifestyle for many, many people.


That’s why I do what I do.


Did you know that 85% of financial decisions are based on emotion?


Money is an emotional subject because it’s never just about money.

Our relationship with money quietly underwrites the stories of our lives.


It’s about feeling resourced and having a sense of safety and enoughness in our lives. It’s about what makes us feel worthy and valuable and how we express ourselves. It’s about self-confidence, resilience, and our ability to be vulnerable.

This realization is what drew me to this work so many years ago.


I knew I needed to create a methodology that not only blended emotional literacy with financial literacy, but also infused the process with mindful awareness, creativity, and personal ritual to weave deeper meaning into all the practices and tools along the way. I needed a more intentional, compassionate, and meaningful approach - I knew this was the only way I could have a healthy and savvy relationship to money.


My money journey began on a fateful day when I was in my twenties. Shortly after I completed my Master’s Degree in Somatic Psychology, my first student loan bill arrived.


Suddenly, I was face-to-face with my struggle to value myself and the education I had spent years pouring myself into, doubts that I was smart enough to learn the language of money, and all the despair and resistance I had around concepts of success, maturity, and livelihood.


And I was utterly unprepared.

Little did I know, that moment ignited a spark of possibility that changed my life forever.


Bari Tessler, M.A. in Somatic Psychology, Financial Therapist and the Founder of The Art of Money, a year-long money school.


I earned my Masters degree from Naropa University, working in the mental health field for over a decade before realizing my mission was to merge emotional literacy with financial literacy


I am a pioneer in the Financial Therapy field and the Author of The Art of Money: A Life-Changing Guide to Financial Happiness.


My work has been featured on,, US News & World Report, Reuters Money, The Fiscal Times, USA Today, The Cut, Girlboss, Nerd Wallet, Real Simple, MindBodyGreen, and REDBOOK. I have also been featured on the cover of Experience Life and Mindful.


I am honored you are here and l look forward to supporting you with your Art of Money journey.

11 years ago, we shared something completely new with the world: a one-year money school called The Art of Money. It’s the thrilling culmination of over two decades of my money, emotional, and body-centered work — and the absolute best way I’ve found to share this deep money work.

Weaving together gentle encouragement, body-based practices, and practical financial tools, The Art of Money integrates financial literacy and emotional literacy to provide a holistic framework to guide, support, and honor this uniquely personal journey through my comprehensive, three-phase approach to Financial Therapy.

Here’s how our journey together will unfold:

Phase 1: Money Healing

We start by bringing compassionate curiosity to our emotions, patterns, and unique money story. Here we un-shame the past, claim our value, and learn to write a new chapter. We create intimate, safe spaces for money work, solo, with your honey, BFF, or whoever you want to share this journey with. We learn mind and body-based practices to support our journey and ensure we are working with self-care, acceptance, and love along the way.


We’ll spend our first 4 months here, healing and releasing the beliefs that no longer serve you, infusing this journey with an abundance of mindful awareness and compassion.

Explore deep money healing, forgiveness, and empowerment

Learn to identify the patterns and emotions that come up for you around money

Practice somatic (body-based) tools to help you work with these challenging emotions

Bring presence and honesty to your money story and bring it into the light.

Understand the nuanced and complex influences of your family conditioning, personality, culture, and socio-economic factors driving your money patterns

Create your own personal money rituals inviting more clarity, awareness, and acceptance

Celebrate your strengths, heal your wounds, and begin to step into a healthy relationship with money on your own terms.

Phase 2: Money Practices

Here, we learn a new way to interact with money as a nurturing self-care practice. We empower ourselves by learning the language of money, gathering practical tools, implementing bookkeeping systems, tracking money as it flows in and out and around, infusing the nuts and bolts with a sense of fun and adventure. We take our relationship with money deeper as we learn to have Money Dates and bring intention and mindfulness to our earning, spending, saving, gifting, and debt.


For the next 4 months, we’ll work together to apply accessible, effective values-based financial practices, fresh perspectives, and expert guidance to your money life.

Identify your deepest values — and how to align your habits of earning, spending, saving, and gifting with what matters most to you.

Achieve new awareness with your money habits and patterns. Learn to make the changes you want with less resistance and more ease.

 Learn how to have meaningful, compassionate, and inspiring money dates with yourself.

Empower your financial savvy by learning the language of money and a bookkeeping system that works for you and your life.

Create personal money self-care practices to support you daily, weekly, monthly, and on a yearly basis.

Explore values-based bookkeeping to transform money management into a more personal, meaningful, and creative practice.

Learn about the different roles of a Financial Support Team (what’s the difference between Bookkeepers, Accountants, Financial Therapists, Financial Coaches, and Financial Planners? A lot).

Infuse your relationship with money with wisdom, practices, and hands-on tools that empower you to align your finances with your deepest values.

Phase 3: Money Maps

Step into a more personal way to track your needs and manage your money without ever using a dusty old “budget” again. Here, we create maps of intention, learn to make good money decisions (and what that even means to each of us), and how to navigate the financial challenges or money curveballs, that life throws our way. Here we go deep-soul diving to identify how money can best support our unfolding lives and crafting annual money practices to empower your dreams.


For the last 4 months of The Art of Money, we’ll focus on big picture visioning, connecting you even more deeply with yourself, honoring your most authentic aspirations, and giving you the dedicated space you need to:

Explore your most cherished hopes, dreams, and goals for this beautiful life.

Honor the phase of life you are in, what phase you are moving into, and how this shapes and influences your money journey.

Practice gratitude in the present moment while planning for the future.

Begin to clarify where you want to be 2 - 5 years from now (or beyond) - and chart a course to making it happen.

Learn how to create a 3-tier Money Map integrating your real-life numbers with your dreams, goals, and values.

Discover tools to help you make solid money decisions whether you’re facing small, medium, or larger, life-changing purchases.

Refine your financial approach to Earning, Spending, Giving, Debt Repayment, Saving, and Investing.

The Art of Money Syllabus:
12 Modules

Money Healing

Module 1


Here’s the great stuff you can expect to do this month:

  • Why are you really here? Discovering the 8 Money Areas. Turn within and clarify your intentions for this year
  • Explore your money emotions
  • Learn what your body has to say about money
  • Get clear on where you are in your current relationship with money
  • Learn body-based practices to begin building your somatic toolkit
  • Start practicing The Body Check-In: my #1 favorite tool for money transformation
  • Start scheduling Art of Money dates on your calendar

Guest Teacher Topics: Somatic Tools for Your Money Relationships, Somatics and Boundaries, How to Work with Fight-Flight-Freeze in Money Moments

Money Healing

Module 2


Here’s the great stuff you can expect to do this month:

  • Understand the concept of a Money Story
  • Unearth memories, beliefs, and attitudes about money from your childhood 
  • Discover the golden nuggets and challenging aspects of your money story
  • Examine how your family lineage have impacted your money relationship
  • Notice how your past is showing up in your present
  • Listen to other people's money stories from all different backgrounds
  • Write your own Money Memoir
  • Start to rewrite your Money Story

Guest Teacher Topics: Listen to the Money Memoir Interviews which highlight stories and lessons from folks from all different lineage, race and class backgrounds.

Money Healing

Module 3


Here’s the great stuff you can expect to do this month:

  • Understand how your oldest money “stuff” and may show up in your romantic relationships (past, present, and future)
  • Start noticing any gender dynamics or polarities at play around money with you and your sweetie
  • Learn some tools to bring more compassion and consciousness into your money conversations with your honey
  • Explore Money Dynamics with Your Parents
  • Understand Your Parenting Money Style
  • Learn new tools for parenting and money
  • Learn how to have new money conversations with the people closest to you.

Guest Teacher Topics: How Couples Polarize, Family Money Dynamics, Tips on Parenting and Money

Money Healing

Module 4


Here’s the great stuff you can expect to do this month:

  • Figure out what’s really draining your energy and how you can reclaim your vitality from the four realms of financial “incompletes.”
  • Banish overwhelm, paralysis, and shame.
  • Free yourself from old resentments, shame, and anything that has a hold on you and your Money Story
  • Learn the surprising reasons forgiveness is a major money practice -- and 5 myths that may be keeping you from forgiving
  • Want to go even deeper? From blessing to releasing, ritual is a powerful way to consciously step into the future you want. I’ll walk you through the 7 elements to consider as you create your very own, personalized Money Healing Ritual. 

Guest Teacher Topics: How to Create Money Healing Rituals + Spiritual Components of Money

Money Practices

Module 5


Here’s the great stuff you can expect to do this month:

  • Transition from deep healing into practical money work
  • Start learning the language of money (so empowering!)
  • Learn what a Chart of Accounts is (it’s not that scary, I promise!)
  • Start bringing more meaning, beauty, and compassion into your money practices
  • Create (or fine-tune) your own personalized Money Practice -- with daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly practices
  • Go beyond traditional bookkeeping by honoring your “intrinsic assets” 
  • Get a clear, birds eye view of your financial world by creating your very own Chart of Accounts. (Yes you can do this!)

Guest Teacher Topics: Debt Repayment Options + Debt Triage

Money Practices

Module 6


Here’s the great stuff you can expect to do this month:

  • Choose the best financial tracking system for you – and begin using it!
  • Identify your deepest values …  and learn how to align them with your bookkeeping.
  • Revamp your Chart of Accounts with your very own, values-driven names.
  • Do a bookkeeping assessment. How’s this going, for you?
  • Bring oh-so-much gentleness + ease to your practice of checking in with your numbers. (Yes, it is possible!)

Guest Teacher Topics: Bookkeeping Experts Talk About Their Favorite Tracking Tools. Plus, some live demos!

Money Practices

Module 7


Here’s the great stuff you can expect to do this month:

  • Get into the swing of a regular daily, weekly, and monthly money practice
  • Make your money practices your own + deepen your self-care
  • Get up close ‘n personal with your numbers in basic financial reports
  • Bring on some financial support: who do you need to help you, right now? (Bookkeepers, accountants, financial planners, etc.)
  • Learn about taxes and start thinking about financial planning and socially responsible investing

Guest Teacher Topics: Money + Taxes, Cash Flow, and Bookkeeping Systems for Entrepreneurs

Money Practices

Module 8


Here’s the great stuff you can expect to do this month:

  • Declutter and make some space
  • Review everything we’ve covered so far
  • Celebrate your victories. Big and small
  • Revisit material and exercises you missed
  • Identify your stuck places and growing edges
  • Solidify your insights and progress now, so you can be fully available for our final phase, Money Maps (which starts next month)
  • Enjoy plenty of time and compassionate encouragement as you implement, regroup, and integrate your new habits and approaches.

Guest Teacher Topics: Courage, Living Your Native Genius, and Shifting Your Financial Identity

Money Maps

Module 9


Here’s the great stuff you can expect to do this month:

  • Discover a whole new way to budget, infused with your personal dreams + values: your Money Map
  • Make space for your “budget baggage” & and learn why most of your resistance is probably oh-so-wise
  • Learn my absolute fave way to Money Map: Your 3 Tier Plan
  • Vision, define, and create your very own Money Map
  • Dance gracefully with your goals, projections, values, dreams -- and current reality
  • Learn new tools + practices to make great money decisions

Guest Teacher Topics: Budgeting + Cash Flow For Your Personal and Entrepreneurial Finances

Money Maps

Module 10


Here’s the great stuff you can expect to do this month:

  • Dive deep into your dreams, values, and goals through guided visualizations
  • Identify practical financial steps to take to bring your dreams to life
  • Learn tools to dance with your real-world cashflow, whatever your reality: peaks and dips, steady income, couples, entrepreneurs, etc.
  • How to Dance with Your Money Map
  • Learn the 5 Money Areas: Earning and Income, Spending and Expenses, Saving, Debt repayment, Investing
  • Find your way into right pricing and breaking through money ceilings.

Guest Teacher Topics: Overcoming Underearning and Unlocking Your Earning Power

Money Maps

Module 11


Here’s the great stuff you can expect to do this month:

  • Learn how to make smart money decisions that feel good to you
  • Explore some ready-to-use frameworks and questions to help you make good money decisions in different scenarios -- and get inspired to create your own!
  • Learn the warning signs that it’s not a great time to make a money decision with the H.A.L.T. method (so helpful)
  • What do you do when time, energy, and money are all at a premium? Try out the 3 Pots method.
  • Learn my Zen-inspired reframe for those big, huge money questions that feel impossible to answer (and how to solve them)

Guest Teacher Topics: Women + Money, Profit First Accounting Method

Money Maps

Module 12


Here’s the great stuff you can expect to do this month:

  • Identify where you are and where you’d like to go from here. What have you accomplished? And what are your growing edges?
  • Honor the ending of our Art of Money journey. Explore how you “do” endings, in general: what emotions do they conjure, for you? What do you need to feel complete?
  • Explore your unique Holiday Money Story (we all have one!)
  • Do a full End of Year Money Ritual to review the past year (in money and beyond) with loving awareness … and set the stage for the New Year with clarity and empowerment.
  • Clarify your money legacy.


I was doing pretty well with the nuts and bolts parts of my money life, but I lived with a hum of money panic in the background.


Every time an unexpected bill arrived, my business hit a low month, or any kind of letter arrived from the IRS, that panic would spike. I’d snap at my partner, fall into catastrophic thinking, and lose any sense of safety or belonging in this world. Then came Bari and the Art Of Money.


Through going through the AOM program over a year and also receiving mentoring from Bari, I was able to create a grounded, honest and loving relationship with my money. I’ve discovered the places where that panic came from (it’s closely tied to my sense of self and fear of not belonging), walked through healing, and created practices around caring for my financial life. I’m never going back to that hum of panic. When a tough moment shows up, I know how to return to my AOM tools and stay open and loving with myself.


- Annie schuessler

Psst... Want a Taste of The Art Of Money?

Get your very own Art of Money sampler, including:

  • Audio teachings from me
  • Workbook PDF
  • Guest Teacher clip
  • Additional resources

Find out if The Art of Money is right for you with this delicious VIP pass for a sneak peek behind the scenes. Click here to get your free Art of Money sampler.


I was doing pretty well with the nuts and bolts parts of my money life, but I lived with a hum of money panic in the background.


Every time an unexpected bill arrived, my business hit a low month, or any kind of letter arrived from the IRS, that panic would spike. I’d snap at my partner, fall into catastrophic thinking, and lose any sense of safety or belonging in this world. Then came Bari and the Art Of Money.


Through going through the AOM program over a year and also receiving mentoring from Bari, I was able to create a grounded, honest and loving relationship with my money. I’ve discovered the places where that panic came from (it’s closely tied to my sense of self and fear of not belonging), walked through healing, and created practices around caring for my financial life. I’m never going back to that hum of panic. When a tough moment shows up, I know how to return to my AOM tools and stay open and loving with myself.


- annie schuessler

The Art of Money Experience

  • A year of guidance, support, and expertise to bring more compassion, awareness, and intention to your relationship with money.
  • A structured framework to ground your journey. The three phases of Money Healing, Money Practices, and Money Maps offer a comprehensive, holistic framework to create authentic, sustainable change and real-life transformation in your relationship with money.
  • 12 Modules. Each module includes teachings, guest teachers, and inspiration centered on our monthly theme. Every 30 days you’ll receive an email introducing your new Monthly Module with a fresh perspective on our guiding themes. You’ll also receive audio and workbook exercises to guide your exploration deeper.
  • 12 Monthly Themes exploring all the ways that money influences our lives and experiences, from careers to family and kids, debt to ritual, Enneagram to bookkeeping systems. Uncover the nuances of your money relationship with ample time to prepare for the journey and integrate what you’ve learned.
  • A cohort of incredible Guest Teachers. We’ll welcome an amazing roster of guest teachers to The Art of Money community throughout the year to share their guidance and expertise. Each module will feature two Guest Teacher interviews via audio and transcribed text. PLUS, you'll have access to my top Guest Teacher interviews from 2013 - today through The Art of Money Library.
  • Weekly Zoom CoWorking Meeting hosted by an Alumni Guide. This space is hosted on Zoom video every Saturday morning. It’s a wonderful place to ask the alumni guides questions about the Art of Money content and to engage with the material with others.
  • A Live, 90-minute Office Hours with Bari every month. This is your chance to ask me anything! Don’t worry: you can always send your questions ahead of time if you’re unavailable -- or anonymously if you’re just shy!
  • Accountability Groups/Partners. If you thrive in an atmosphere of mutual accountability, but didn’t join with a buddy, our weekly co-working sessions are the perfect place to connect with a group or partner to ground and motivate your journey.
  • Body-based exercises to help ground you and infuse your money journey with deeper self-knowing, mindfulness, and intention.
  • Spacious Encouragement. You’ll be encouraged to continuously engage the material — at your own pace — through weekly homework, reflection prompts, personal practices, and more to guide and inspire you along the way.
  • Access to my entire Library. I’ve been curating my collection of incredible money resources for more than 20 years: audio recordings, interviews, exercises, referrals for financial experts, recommended reading list, and so much more. And you’re welcome to explore to your heart’s content, whenever you want to visit.
    Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry! Your Monthly Module is structured to guide your journey through focused themes. The library is an extra resource in your toolkit, there to empower your journey if and when you need it.
  • Ongoing Guidance, Encouragement, and Love. Welcome to the gentle path to transforming your money life. Expect weekly emails, love letters, support, and resources to offer a little extra wisdom, inspiration, and tender, loving support as you grow through your money journey.
  • Freedom and Flexibility to Honor Your Own Timing. The Art of Money is a self-directed course offering a tried and true framework to guide, support, and encourage you in your personal money work.

Here, you become the author of your Money Story, intentionally crafting a new way forward, forging a journey of self-knowing, growth, and transformation by committing to bring more honesty, intention, and awareness to your relationship with money.


Over the years, my team and I have experimented, innovated, and fine-tuned The Art of Money, integrating experience and community feedback to provide the flexibility to honor your own pace and timing with a foundation of accessibility, support, and community connection.

Rooted in practical wisdom, ongoing support, and loving encouragement, The Art of Money is a powerfully transformative and intimate approach to deep money work.


I started working with Bari Tessler years ago, back when she was still teaching Conscious Bookkeeping.


When she launched the Art of Money, I was ecstatic. It meant that I could continue deepening my understanding of values-based bookkeeping within a broader community of like-minded folks all learning how to have a more empowered relationship with money. It wasn't enough for me to learn about budgeting and bookkeeping.


Crunching numbers actually came easily to me. My issue was grappling with all of the emotions that came with managing my money. Being able to do this work in the Art of Money community helped transform the crippling anxiety, shame and fear that I sometimes felt when making money decisions. Since beginning my work with Bari, I've gone from chronically underearning to confidently earning a solid living with ease. My debt has come down, my credit has improved. The biggest gift has been feeling less anxious about money--even with big changes afoot like having a child and getting divorced. I know much more about what my money is doing at any given moment, and I feel relaxed and confident about my ability to take care of myself and my family financially.


- Sonya Brewer


I started working with Bari Tessler years ago, back when she was still teaching Conscious Bookkeeping.


When she launched the Art of Money, I was ecstatic. It meant that I could continue deepening my understanding of values-based bookkeeping within a broader community of like-minded folks all learning how to have a more empowered relationship with money. It wasn't enough for me to learn about budgeting and bookkeeping.


Crunching numbers actually came easily to me. My issue was grappling with all of the emotions that came with managing my money. Being able to do this work in the Art of Money community helped transform the crippling anxiety, shame and fear that I sometimes felt when making money decisions. Since beginning my work with Bari, I've gone from chronically underearning to confidently earning a solid living with ease. My debt has come down, my credit has improved. The biggest gift has been feeling less anxious about money--even with big changes afoot like having a child and getting divorced. I know much more about what my money is doing at any given moment, and I feel relaxed and confident about my ability to take care of myself and my family financially.


- Sonya Brewer

Without further ado, I am honored to introduce…

Our Featured Guest Teachers

I am humbled and delighted to introduce you to the phenomenal panel of teachers and contributors who lend their wisdom and guidance to The Art of Money community. Each module will highlight two guest teachers to dive deeply into our current theme, share their expertise, and enhance your experience.


Beyond our robust framework of Money Healing, Money Practices, and Money Maps, our guest teachers bring another level of knowledge and support to The Art of Money. Each and every one of them are visionaries, experts in their fields with a profoundly powerful message to share with you.


I’ve collaborated with every one of our special guests to identify the most powerful topics for us to explore together, ranging from How to Use Somatic Tools to Help You Understand Your Money Emotions, and How to Create Money Healing Rituals, to Debt Triage Support, How to Choose the Best Bookkeeping Systems for You, How to Talk with Your Children and Parents about Money, or What Are the Best Pricing Strategies for Your Business, How to Make Solid Money Decisions, How to Start Saving and Investing for the Future - and beyond.


This roster is hand-picked — no, heart-picked — by me, for you.


Drumroll, please...

aom-guest-teacher-collage-4-2024 - v2

To Name a Few...

Amanda Steinberg - Entrepreneur and Author
Topic: Women and Money


Amy Bradbury - Financial Strategist
Topic: Cashflow Systems for Entrepreneurs


Andrea Smith Gage - Somatic Experiencing Trainer
Topic: Somatic Tools + Boundaries


Bernadette Anat - Financial Hype Woman
Topic: How to Freakin’ Pay Off Student Loans


Barbara Huson - Leading Authority on Women and Money
Topic: Overcoming Under-Earning


Brad Klontz - Financial Therapist + Financial Planner
Topic: Family Money Dynamics


Chelsea Brennan - Founder of Smart Money Mama
Topic: Parenting, Kids and Money


Christopher Peck - Financial Advisor
Topic: Socially Responsible Investing


Deborah Price - Founder of the Money Coaching Institute
Topic: Couples Money Dynamics


Eva Konigsberg - Tax Expert and Financial Planner
Topic: Taxes and Financial Support Teams


Fabeku Fatunmise - Business Awesomizer
Topic: Creative Entrepreneurship + Superpowers


Galia Gichon - Financial Coach
Topic: Financial Planning 101


Geri Detweiler - Consumer Debt Advocate
Topic: Debt Repayment Options


Hiro Boga - Business Strategist +  Energy Alchemist
Topic: Money + Energy


Jacquette Timmons - Financial Behaviorist
Topic: How to Price Your Services


Jessica Salzman - Bookkeeper Extraordinaire
Topic: Heart-centered Bookkeeping


Julie Daley - Coach, Healer & Ritualist
Topic: Money Healing Rituals


Karin Robbins - Somatic Experiencing Therapist
Topic: Somatic Tools for Your Money Relationship

Karen McCall - The Financial Recovery Institute
Topic: Budgeting Q&A + Money Grit Demo


Maketa Born - Facilitator, Educator, Artist
Topic: Fatherhood, Race, and Marriage


Makeda Pennycooke - Empowerment Coach
Topic: Getting Unstuck


Manisha Thakor - Certified Financial Planner
Topic: Money + Mental Health


Michael Bovee - Consumer Debt Advocate
Topic: Debt Triage


Mikelann Valterra - Money Coach and Author
Topic: Healing Earning Issues


Nancy Levin: Life Coach and Author
Topic: How to Take a Stand for Your Self-Worth


Nick True - YNAB Expert
Topic: YNAB Bookkeeping System Demo + Q&A


Nona Jordan - Business Yogini, CPA
Topic: Money + Entrepreneurial Adventures


Olivia Mellan - Pioneering Financial Therapist
Topic: How Couples Polarize


Racheal Baxter Cook - Business Strategist
Topic: How to Start and Grow a Business


Rachel Cole: Intuitive Eating Coach
Topic: Money and Food Connections


Rachel Robasciotti - Founder of Adasina Social Capital
Topic: Social Justice Investing


Saundra Davis - Financial Coach, Educator
Topic: Wealth Gap + Giving Back


Sonya Brewer - Body-Centered Psychotherapist
Topic: Somatic Tools for Money Triggers


Tad Hargrave - Marketing for Hippies
Topic: How to Survive (and Bless!) Cashflow Dips


Vicki Robin - Author, Your Money or Your Life
Topic: Sustainability + Her Classic Money Teachings


As a man with a traditional finance background, I was extremely skeptical of this seemingly feminine and feelings-oriented course because I felt like I knew exactly what needed to be done for our financial health.


But through the course, Bari won me over, and my perspective has completely changed.


If you are a married couple with young children like we are, and you are wondering if you should do this, I would strongly suggest it. I have been the money person in our relationship, and I always wanted my wife to care as much about saving money as I do. But I couldn’t get her to see my side of things. So it wasn’t a surprise to me that she proposed we enroll in this course. My instant reaction was that we should keep our money in our account instead of enrolling. I tried to convince her that I could teach her everything she needs to know about budgeting, money, investing, etc.


It turns out Bari was a better teacher for her than I am. She needed a really kind, gentle approach and a community of support to engage in money talk. Bari taught us techniques for being kind to ourselves and each other around a topic that brings up so much tension and stress. During the course, we paid off all debt completely and are both focused on building our savings. My wife does it without me nagging her now. Her inner money manager has been awakened. Our finances are better than ever before, and we are both involved now. I’m grateful to you, Bari, for helping us connect on this issue so deeply.


- Rene Cordova and Lumina Gershfield Cordova


As a man with a traditional finance background, I was extremely skeptical of this seemingly feminine and feelings-oriented course because I felt like I knew exactly what needed to be done for our financial health.


But through the course, Bari won me over, and my perspective has completely changed.


If you are a married couple with young children like we are, and you are wondering if you should do this, I would strongly suggest it. I have been the money person in our relationship, and I always wanted my wife to care as much about saving money as I do. But I couldn’t get her to see my side of things. So it wasn’t a surprise to me that she proposed we enroll in this course. My instant reaction was that we should keep our money in our account instead of enrolling. I tried to convince her that I could teach her everything she needs to know about budgeting, money, investing, etc.


It turns out Bari was a better teacher for her than I am. She needed a really kind, gentle approach and a community of support to engage in money talk. Bari taught us techniques for being kind to ourselves and each other around a topic that brings up so much tension and stress. During the course, we paid off all debt completely and are both focused on building our savings. My wife does it without me nagging her now. Her inner money manager has been awakened. Our finances are better than ever before, and we are both involved now. I’m grateful to you, Bari, for helping us connect on this issue so deeply.


- Rene Cordova and Lumina Gershfield Cordova

Community Support



  • Weekly Zoom CoWorking Meeting hosted by our Alumni Guides. This space is hosted on Zoom video every Saturday morning. It’s a wonderful place to ask the alumni guides questions about the Art of Money content and to engage with the material with others. It’s also a great way to find an accountability partner to meet with privately to motivate your journey.
  • A Live, 90-Minute Group Office Hours with Me every month. I’ll guide the community through money themes that I see unfolding behind the scenes, and save plenty of time for live support, coaching, and Q&A. This is your chance to ask me anything! Don’t worry: you can always send your questions ahead of time if you’re unavailable -- or anonymously if you’re just shy!


I've done all kinds of deep inner work for years.

But money?! No way.


It was the final frontier. A shadow realm I had never learned much about, and somehow thought everyone else had an education I was missing. While walking on the Art of Money path, I discovered that next to no one gets a great money education, and all of us have healing and learning to do, whether we’re deep in debt or deep in a big inheritance. I adore Bari’s compassion, enthusiasm, somatic sensibility, practical skills, and vast heart.


I can’t imagine a more kind-hearted guide in this exploration of such an important topic, so ridden with stress and shame for many of us.


- Erin Geesaman Rabke


I’ve done all kinds of deep inner work for years.


But money?! No way.


It was the final frontier. A shadow realm I had never learned much about, and somehow thought everyone else had an education I was missing. While walking on the Art of Money path, I discovered that next to no one gets a great money education, and all of us have healing and learning to do, whether we’re deep in debt or deep in a big inheritance. I adore Bari’s compassion, enthusiasm, somatic sensibility, practical skills, and vast heart.


I can’t imagine a more kind-hearted guide in this exploration of such an important topic, so ridden with stress and shame for many of us.


- Erin Geesaman Rabke

Marie Louise Williams

“It has altered for the better the way I work; my business; my relationships with my husband and daughter; the extent of my belief that I can follow my dreams and even the way I relate to my home environment.”

Marie Louise Williams

Stephanie Cowling-Rich

“Coming to a place of financial health has been a decades long process for me and I am still learning. Luckily, working alongside Bari and her team has been a generous and supportive space for me and my family to grow and learn.”

Steph Cowling-Rich

Patricia Ponton-3

“The Art of Money program, and the behind-the-scenes team, and Bari herself, are all very bright lights in my life. I am forever grateful to have entered the forest and to be a student here.”

Patricia Ponton

Pattie Belle Hastings

“This program changed my life! I joined when I was going through the divorce and was terrified of the responsibility of being the sole financial manager. Now I experience peace instead of fear, flourishing instead of scarcity, and confidence instead of insecurity.”

PattieBelle Hastings

Are you feeling called to wade a little deeper here?

Money runs like a current through our lives, offering an opportunity to heal the past, to know ourselves more fully, and to be empowered to write a new chapter.


As an Art of Money Adventurer, you’ll be held in loving support and encouragement as you’re guided through my personalized, proven Financial Therapy methodology. From baby steps to brave leaps, big picture visioning, practical tools, and body-based exercises, here we will weave a vibrant tapestry that honors every thread of your relationship with money.

Empower yourself to bring healing and inspiration to your money journey.

How much does The Art of Money cost?

Solo Journeyers: Paid in Full

One-time Payment

of $850:

Solo Journeyers: Payment Plan

10 Monthly Payments

of $98:

Solo Journeyers: Paid in Full

One-time Payment

of $850:

Solo Journeyers: Payment Plan

10 Monthly Payments

of $98:

The Buddy Special

This work is so rare, so brave, so outside the norm, we can all use as many close allies as we can get. We love when friends and family join the program together, and we are delighted that you’re excited to share this journey with the people closest to you!


That’s why we're offering a new payment option for Art of Money - The Buddy Special. You and your friend/mother/father/brother/sister/colleague/lover can join the program together and take advantage of the same special rate we've always offered couples who join the program. That means you and your buddy can split the cost of our discounted couple’s rate and share the savings!


With all that's going on in our painful and beautiful world, it's more important than ever to find a safe community space to break down the taboo of silence and speak honestly about money. This is one of the most important parts of the Art of Money program - the personal connection with community support, both from myself and other members in the program.

AOM Buddies: Paid in Full

One-time Payment

of $1200:

AOM Buddies: Payment Plan

10 Monthly Payments

of $132:

Got Questions? We’ve got Answers.

We’ve given every detail of this program oodles of caring thought. Want to know our reasons behind anything and everything?






When we dare to speak the truth about money, amazing healing begins.

Old, unconscious patterns are broken.


Profound healing empowers genuine transformation.


A new narrative emerges.


Community is built.

This is Really, Really Important

The “Why” behind our No-Refund, No Opt-Out Policy

The Art of Money is a non-refundable investment in your relationship with money. It’s an invitation to listen, learn, connect, explore, and transform, in a richly supportive group experience.


My team and I thought long and hard about whether or not to offer a “30-day money-back guarantee” or some other sort of refund policy. Ultimately, we decided it didn’t feel right to us to offer one. We asked ourselves a lot of questions about this and finally recognized it as an opportunity to provide a conscious money teaching — right here in your decision-making process, before even clicking “buy.”


The Art of Money is a year-long experience that can be paid monthly or in full -- but it is not a monthly membership program that you can cancel and opt-out of at any time. It’s important to us to create a safe, supportive group container for this deep work.


To help create that, it’s important to us that everyone start together, with intention and commitment -- and everyone stick together ‘till the end. We offer a number of ways for you to experience The Art of Money before you buy (see Reason #2, right below), but we do not allow you to “test the waters” within the year-long program, itself.

Here are our reasons for not offering refunds for The Art of Money, or allowing members to opt-out of the monthly payments, if they choose that payment option:

Reason #1: This is your chance to make a clear, confident money decision. A big part of conscious money work is empowering you to engage every money decision mindfully, lovingly, truthfully, and directly. By not offering a refund for this program, or allowing you to opt-out at some point during the journey, we’re asking you to make the truest decision for you, right now. So check in with yourself. Take a breath. Look at your numbers. Reflect on your intentions. Consider the value. Ask yourself: yes or no?


Reason #2: Everything you need to make an informed decision is right here. On the fence? Get a full taste of the program right here. Catch our Money Mocha series, which are delightful, quick shots of Art of Money awareness and wisdom, right here. Check out our beloved Money Memoir series, which is an intimate gathering for truth-telling about money. Folks from all different lineage and economic backgrounds tell their honest money stories, right here.


Browse the archives on this site and see if my approach to money feels good to you. Does it make sense? Does it align with your way of being in the world — or do you want it to? Do you want more of it? Do the guest teachers for the program intrigue and excite you? Does the format feel like something you’d love? Am I, Bari, the right guide for you? We’ve given you all the details to empower your decision.


Reason #3: The transformation we’re offering can only be measured by you. If you engage with the entirety of this program — all the coaching calls, exercises, and resources — if you do the deep inner work and implement the practical steps we recommend — we’re confident you’ll experience profound shifts, in your money relationship and beyond. Yet what these look like will be different for each participant.


We offer a helpful framework -- but the responsibility for what you get out of it belongs to you, and you alone. Some of you will choose to do every single exercise -- others may pick and choose from what we offer and still benefit tremendously.


Some of you already have clarity around your numbers, but need help being more gentle and forgiving around money. Others of you might already overflow with financial compassion, yet need help with a nuts ‘n bolts money practice. You might need help recovering from debt — or you may have an overabundance of money that feels equally overwhelming. The shifts you experience are unique to your financial history, situation, and goals.


Reason #4: When you’re all in, you’re all in. This experience will most likely challenge you. Holy moly, will stir up resistance -- and that looks like falling behind in the program, getting triggered by lessons or teachers, or even wanting to throw the towel in completely. It will flow through phases of excitement and grief, clarity and difficulty.


Often the biggest breakthroughs come just after the greatest resistance. By denying you an escape route when things get tough, we hope to encourage you to work through your tough spots — whether they come in Month #1 or Month #12. We’re inviting you to be an active co-creator in this experience, to trust the process, and commit to it. Because life happens -- and it will happen during this year.


Things will come up, related to this program and outside of it. Growth spurts. Paradigm-shifting pivots. Births, deaths, job shifts, moves, and life-changing parties. It’s up to you -- and only you -- to commit to this deep work, not only when it’s convenient, but especially when things get tough. Because devotion is beautiful. And it’s all and only yours to claim. But speaking of all that …


Reason #5: You get access for the lifetime of the program. Every recording and resource we offer is yours, for the lifetime of the Art of Money. So even if you hit resistance in the moment -- or if “life happens” during this year and you fall behind -- you may reconnect with these teachings in a few months and suddenly glean all their value.


We want to welcome you to this community of kindred money adventurers — and we know the warmest welcomes come when you show up fully, right from day one, knowing this is where you want to be (even if it feels vulnerable/scary/big).


Bari Tessler's year-long Art of Money program has appeared in my life at a time when I really needed it the most.


For most of my life, money had been an issue with much emotional load - whether it was fear, stress, anger, frustration, elation, or hope - yet for some reason, no one had ever connected the dots for me, pointing out that to get my financial life in order, taking care of those emotions and stories and how they showed up in my financial transactions and my approach to my finances was a necessary and extremely effective way of getting on top of my personal and business finances.


Enter Bari and her gentle, knowledgeable, and creatively intuitive approach and teaching. It is safe to say, following through with the program was not only one of the best investments I could make regarding my finances, it also influenced so many other areas of my life. It turned strained family relationships from toxic to surprisingly supportive, it helped calm and lower my stress levels, supported my own professional development and how I show up for those I am working with, and many of the tools I first learned in The Art of Money I have taken into my private life, and they facilitate communication and help with relationships and friendships.


Because clarity, healing, somatic awareness, and a focused, well-paced, body-centered approach to emotions and sensitivities are useful in every area of life. Combined with the wealth of practical knowledge, experts to reach out to, and the invaluable support of a community of peers, this is really a place to come home to and resource myself for navigating this money/life journey in the best way possible. I highly recommend it!


- Sibylle Meder


Bari Tessler's year-long Art of Money program has appeared in my life at a time when I really needed it the most.


For most of my life, money had been an issue with much emotional load - whether it was fear, stress, anger, frustration, elation, or hope - yet for some reason, no one had ever connected the dots for me, pointing out that to get my financial life in order, taking care of those emotions and stories and how they showed up in my financial transactions and my approach to my finances was a necessary and extremely effective way of getting on top of my personal and business finances.


Enter Bari and her gentle, knowledgeable, and creatively intuitive approach and teaching. It is safe to say, following through with the program was not only one of the best investments I could make regarding my finances, it also influenced so many other areas of my life. It turned strained family relationships from toxic to surprisingly supportive, it helped calm and lower my stress levels, supported my own professional development and how I show up for those I am working with, and many of the tools I first learned in The Art of Money I have taken into my private life, and they facilitate communication and help with relationships and friendships.


Because clarity, healing, somatic awareness, and a focused, well-paced, body-centered approach to emotions and sensitivities are useful in every area of life. Combined with the wealth of practical knowledge, experts to reach out to, and the invaluable support of a community of peers, this is really a place to come home to and resource myself for navigating this money/life journey in the best way possible. I highly recommend it!


- Sibylle Meder

Is The Art of Money Right for You?

The Art of Money is perfect for you if:

You’re SO ready for a more authentic, personal, and meaningful approach to money.

You’re open to exploring the challenging emotions that come up for you around money.

You’re ready to examine the unconscious beliefs that have underwritten your money story so that you can begin a new chapter.

A gentle, nurturing, and compassionate approach to learning sounds perfect for you

You’re a self-starter -- you’re willing to do the work. You just need a framework, a community, or maybe just a little loving encouragement.

You love online learning -- or are at least willing to show up and give it a real chance.

You’re a self-starter -- you’re willing to do the work. You just need a framework, a community, or maybe just a little loving encouragement.

The Art of Money is NOT for you if:

  • You expect a quick fix. There are no bandaid solutions or shortcuts to deep money work.
  • You are not open to exploring the challenging emotions that money brings up for you.
  • You don’t want to do the personal or practical work to change your money relationship.
  • You are not excited about, or even open to, a more gentle, compassionate, and nurturing, or “touchy-feely” approach to money. 
  • You need daily structure and guidance. This is a year-long program, and while there is a clear framework mapped out with monthly check-lists to guide you and weekly emails to encourage and inspire you, you will need to decide how to map out your own routine in a way that works best for you.
  • You hate online learning or struggle to engage in a virtual learning environment.
  • Mindfulness, intention, and body-based practices don’t resonate with you.
  • You are not a self-starter. You want someone to tell you exactly what to do - and to make sure you actually do it.

I’m putting everything I’ve got into this program.

Everything I’ve learned, everything I am, and everything I know we can become — together.


One brave step forward, I’ll meet you there.


Take my hand and begin your healing journey today with The Art of Money.

For Solo

One-time Payment

of $850:

10 Monthly Payments

of $98:

AOM Buddies
(2 people joining together)

One-time Payment

of $1200:

10 Monthly Payments

of $132:

This is a calling in

An invitation to begin a new journey.


An opportunity to explore new depths of compassion, awareness, and understanding.


Wherever you stand in relationship to money right now, however your path is unfolding,
all of you is welcome here.

Here you will find gentle encouragement, practical tools and resources, new avenues for creativity and joy, and an abundance of support.


But this work is about so much more than financial savvy.


It has the potential to carry us deeper than we expect, beyond personal growth, and into the realm of knowing ourselves more authentically, and more intimately.


Here we begin a new chapter, blending the sacred and the somatic into the everyday to create more clarity, intimacy, and intentional presence in your financial life - and beyond.


Here we discover untold depths to the saga of our lives and go deep-soul diving to honor our values, empower our dreams, and whole-heartedly pursue our aspirations.


I look forward to welcoming you and walking by your side,
