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Join AOM Mentor Program Waitlist

Registration opening in July - New round is happening August - November

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    Join AOM Mentor Program Waitlist

    Registration opening in July - New round is happening August - November

      We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
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      Money brings up so many emotions, right?

      But you already knew that.

      You see your client’s emotions around money shape their relationships, their beliefs about money, and the decisions they make.

      In fact, studies have shown that 90% of money decisions are based on our emotions.
      You see it in your own life, too.
      You see it in moments like your intimate partner’s hidden spending and delayed justification of purchases.
      Or in the kaleidoscope of butterflies that flutter through your stomach every time you think about investing money to grow your business.
      Or when even your most outgoing, abundantly resourced client gets quiet and fidgety whenever the topic of money comes up.
      I see it too.
      In the 22 years of helping over 5,000 people with their money challenges, one thing has become abundantly clear:
      Very few people get a holistic financial education that includes the psychological and emotional side of money.
      That is just plain crazy to me.
      And here’s the thing: the psychology and emotions of money are essential to the work you do with clients.

      The truth is, if you’re helping clients and money issues come up, the help you give them will be more impactful if you can handle the psychological and emotional side of money.

      But in order to help your clients do that, you first need to be able to do it yourself.
      And there’s the rub.
      In your training for the client work you do, did anyone ever teach you how to work with the psychology of money?
      Was there a class on how to work with the wide range of emotions that come up around money in your own life or in the lives of your clients?
      If your training was anything like mine, the answer is no and no.
      But what if we could turn that around?
      What if you had a safe, private, brave space to finally go back and do the personal growth work around money that they skipped in your training?
      What if while learning tools to create a better relationship with money for yourself, you also learned how to share those tools with your clients?
      And what if you being able to help clients with their big money emotions made you stand out from the crowd so that more and more people wanted to hire you? (Hello, rising income.)
      That would solve a lot of problems all at once, wouldn’t it?
      Well, there is such a space. It’s the missing class from your training.

      The Art of Money Mentorship Program

      The Art of Money Mentorship Program is a 4-month, intimate journey designed to help you develop your business into one that’s known for its extra-ordinary ability to help clients with their money psychology.


      We use the fertile ground of your own relationship to money as a place to plant the seeds of a mindful money practice, right in your own life.


      From there, you’ll learn to take the fruits of your money work into client interactions, where you’ll help them develop a healthier, conscious relationship with money.


      In a nutshell, the Art of Money Mentorship Program is a safe, supportive place for you to experience three things:


      1. Personal growth.Find yourself in a safe, private space with me, supportive peers like you, and guest mentors. You can let your guard down here. Seriously. Dive into your own money stories, get live support from me, receive and give support to your fellow program members, and remove the things standing between you and a new, healthier relationship with money.


      2. Skill growth. Through stories and live, mini financial therapy moments, you’ll learn how to use the money tools from my Art of Money methodology in the exact kind of situations that come up with your clients.


      3. Business growth. We’ll workshop pricing, new services and business models to help you grow your practice into a more sustainable endeavor. And you’ll get to cross pollinate with other wonderful professionals that can provide essential camaraderie inside and outside the program.

      hi-im-bari-tessler-no comma

      I am a Somatic-Trained, Financial Therapist and a pioneer in the Financial Therapy field. I have a Masters degree in Somatic Psychology from Naropa University, 1998. I am also the founder of The Art of Money, a year-long money school.


      For over a decade, I worked in the mental health field and the bereavement side of Hospice. Then, I ran a bookkeeping business for therapists, coaches and artists. In 2001, I created a Financial Therapy methodology and have been teaching my work in group programs for 23 years.


      I am also the author of The Art of Money: A Life-Changing Guide to Financial Happiness and The Art of Money Workbook.


      My work has been featured on,, The Cut, Reuters Money, The Wall Street Journal, Nerd Wallet, RealSimple, MindBodyGreen and REDBOOK. I've also been featured on the cover of Experience Life Magazine and Mindful Magazine.

      The Why of The Art of Money Mentorship Program

      And this brings us to the “why” behind this program.


      Here’s the deal: I graduated with my M.A. in somatic psychology, and when I imagined starting my private practice, I had a burning question in my mind:


      “How the heck am I supposed to help clients with their emotions around money when I don’t even understand my own psychology around money?”


      At Naropa University, the paragon of mindful awareness, I learned how to bring gentle curiosity, loving compassion, and intentional awareness to every topic you can imagine…except money.


      Food, sex, intimacy, relationships, grief, death, and spirituality? Sure. No problem. We brought mindfulness to bear in those areas every day.


      But money? Nope. Never. Not even a tinsy tiny tad of mindfulness was brought to the topic of money.


      As a therapist or financial professional yourself, maybe you’ve noticed the same gap in your own education.


      In my time at the university there was nothing taught about how to talk about money, how to manage it, or how to navigate the swirl of feelings that comes up around it.


      No one taught us how to work with couples around money challenges, nor how to create a thriving business with a private practice. And there certainly wasn’t a word about how to help clients uncover their own money stories and use somatic tools to help them create a healthier relationship with money.


      Sound familiar?


      For coaches, therapists, and financial professionals like you and I, we’re sent out into the world with a hearty slap on the back. We’re expected to go forth into the big world and create a new practice serving clients without having the vital skills we need to help them through their money challenges.


      Gaining those skills starts with working on making your own relationship to money more healthy and solid, like a foundation for the home of your life.

      The Art of Money Mentorship Program Experience

      This mentorship program is a journey with weekly mentoring and support directly from me, guest mentors, and our mentor guides.


      The program creates a safe space for therapists, coaches, and financial professionals to share stories, support each other, cross-pollinate, and go deep-soul diving into the realms of this money work.


      The content of the program is rooted in the three phases of my Art of Money methodology – Money Healing, Money Practices, and Money Maps - but we’ll go much deeper into each of these areas than we do in the foundational Art of Money course.


      The journey I’ll guide you on will integrate somatic therapy, lessons I’ve learned over two decades of teaching the Art of Money methodology to over 5,000 people, doing hundreds of private financial therapy sessions, and growing a successful online business.


      At its core, this work blends emotional literacy with financial literacy. It infuses mindfulness, creativity, and personal ritual into the practices that make up the Art of Money path.


      This experience is both for you in your personal life, as well as showing you how to support your clients in doing this kind of deep money work in their lives.

      The Structure of the Program

      The Art of Money Mentorship Program experience includes:

      Four Months of Mentor Support from March 21st through July 11th.

      • 16 Video Zoom Group Calls to guide you through my approach and methodology with enough structure to support your growth (and plenty of room to be curious, spontaneous, and inspired). We’ll connect over Zoom so that you can see me, I can see you, and we can all show up together as a group. (schedule + topics covered listed below)
      • Personal Mentorship from me to guide, encourage, and support you along the way on our weekly group calls and in the private forum.
      • Private Members Only Forum. A safe, welcoming space to explore ideas, ask questions, and connect with a support network of your peers. This forum serves as our community hub where we’ll share stories, resources, and expertise, cross-pollinating across fields and specialties to empower personal and professional growth. (we will be hosting the forum in Circle from March 21st - July 11th)
      • Art of Money Mentor Guides to help run the community both in the community forum and behind the scenes.
      • Guest Teachings with two of my dearest colleagues to help show us how to bring trauma-informed tools to our money work and how to incorporate financial coaching tools with clients. There will be 2 Guest Teacher calls out of 16 in the mentorship.
      • Complete Access to the Art of Money Content. Get immediate access to my comprehensive methodology and all 12 Financial Therapy modules in one convenient portal exclusively for the mentorship community.

      Mentor Call Schedule

      There will be 16 mentor calls in total.


      March: 21st, 28th
      April: 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
      May: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
      June: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
      July: 11th


      The Zoom calls will be hosted on Thursdays at 11 am MDT and are 90 minutes long each. The private group forum will open March 21st and close July 11th.


      **You will get recordings of all the Zoom calls, so if you can’t make any of them, you are covered and can listen later**

      The Three Phases of My Art of Money Methodology

      If you’re not familiar with the Art of Money methodology yet, here’s a brief overview of the foundation of this work, which unfolds in the three phases.


      The Art of Money methodology forms the foundation of the mentorship program (though we’ll go further beyond these three phases.)


      This is work that you’ll be guided through, but also work that you’ll guide clients through if they’re interested in benefiting from doing this work themselves.

      Phase 1: Money Healing

      We start by bringing compassionate curiosity to our emotions, patterns, and unique money story. Here we un-shame the past, claim our value, and learn to write a new chapter. We create intimate, safe spaces for money work, solo, with your honey, BFF, or whoever you want to share this journey with. We learn mind and body-based practices to support our journey and ensure we are working with self-care, acceptance, and love along the way.


      Explore deep money healing, forgiveness, and empowerment

      Learn to identify the patterns and emotions that come up for you around money

      Practice somatic (body-based) tools to help you work with these challenging emotions

      Bring presence and honesty to your money story and bring it into the light.

      Understand the nuanced and complex influences of your family conditioning, personality, culture, and socio-economic factors driving your money patterns

      Create your own personal money rituals inviting more clarity, awareness, and acceptance

      Phase 2: Money Practices

      Here, we learn a new way to interact with money as a nurturing self-care practice. We empower ourselves by learning the language of money, gathering practical tools, implementing bookkeeping systems, tracking money as it flows in and out and around, infusing the nuts and bolts with a sense of fun and adventure. We take our relationship with money deeper as we learn to have Money Dates and bring intention and mindfulness to our earning, spending, saving, gifting, and debt.


      Identify your deepest values — and how to align your habits of earning, spending, saving, and gifting with what matters most to you.

      Achieve new awareness with your money habits and patterns. Learn to make the changes you want with less resistance and more ease.

      Learn how to have meaningful, compassionate, and inspiring money dates with yourself.

      Empower your financial savvy by learning the language of money and a bookkeeping system that works for you and your life.

      Create personal money self-care practices to support you daily, weekly, monthly, and on a yearly basis.

      Explore values-based bookkeeping to transform money management into a more personal, meaningful, and creative practice.

      Learn about the different roles of a Financial Support Team (what’s the difference between Bookkeepers, Accountants, Financial Therapists, Financial Coaches, and Financial Planners? A lot).

      Phase 3: Money Maps

      Step into a more personal way to track your needs and manage your money without ever using a dusty old “budget” again. Here, we create maps of intention, learn to make good money decisions (and what that even means to each of us), and how to navigate the financial challenges or money curveballs, that life throws our way. Here we go deep-soul diving to identify how money can best support our unfolding lives and crafting annual money practices to empower your dreams.

      Explore your most cherished hopes, dreams, and goals for this beautiful life.

      Honor the phase of life you are in, what phase you are moving into, and how this shapes and influences your money journey.

      Practice gratitude in the present moment while planning for the future.

      Learn how to create a 3-tier Money Map integrating your real-life numbers with your dreams, goals, and values.

      Discover tools to help you make solid money decisions whether you’re facing small, medium, or larger, life-changing purchases.

      Refine your financial approach to Earning, Spending, Giving, Debt Repayment, Saving, and Investing.

      The Art of Money Mentorship Program creates a safe space for therapists, coaches, and financial professionals to learn how to:


      1) Carve out a unique niche for your business, improving visibility and profit.


      2) Do your own personal money work.


      3) Integrate new money tools to bring back to your clients.


      This program was life- and business-changing! 


      Because of Bari's coaching, the huge library of materials and the supportive cohort the program attracted, I've grown as a person, in my client work and as a business owner. I made a great money decision by joining this program.


      - Erica Ando, Coach for Artists & Creatives

      “When we dare to speak the truth about money, amazing healing begins.”

      The Art of Money Mentorship Program is a space to sweep away the shame and silence around money, to share your stories and experiences, and to receive guidance and coaching alongside your professional peers.


      In this program, you will gain financial tools and resources that you can bring to your clients to support and empower them in your work together. Just as you, too, will be rooted in support from our mentor community.


      You will also experience the profound power of witnessing and being witnessed as you work alongside other therapists, coaches, and financial professionals who are committed to the same journey of growth, personal discovery, and development.


      This program was life- and business-changing!


      This program was life- and business-changing! Because of Bari's coaching, the huge library of materials and the supportive cohort the program attracted, I've grown as a person, in my client work and as a business owner. I made a great money decision by joining this program.


      - Erica Ando, Coach for Artists & Creatives

      Outline for our Weekly Mentor Calls

      Each week of the program we’ll meet on a group Zoom to explore this work together. Our calls will weave together a short teaching, community questions and sharing, as well as personal guidance and in-the-moment coaching from me.

      #1. Overview: Getting to know each other


      #2. Money Emotions + Somatic Tools


      #3. Trauma-Informed therapy tools with Sonya Brewer


      #4. It’s not about the money - deeper themes


      #5. Money Stories - Identity


      #6. Boundaries


      #7. Knowing our Value(s)


      #8. Going Deeper with money stories, boundaries and value


      #9. Financial Coaching Tools with Mikelann Valterra


      #10. Couples and Money


      #11. Business Models


      #12. Money Dates


      #13. Ask Me Anything


      #14. Enneagram


      #15. New Income Streams + Pricing


      #16. Gratitude + Honoring + Sharing Learning + Completion


      I signed up for the AOM Mentor Program for two reasons and was blown away in both.


      First, I wanted to work on any money issues I have that might be affecting my life, my business, and how I serve my audience. Within the first two live sessions, I immediately uncovered two money stories that I hadn’t already recognized in my previous money work. Bari’s work also introduced me to the somatic pieces that I had been missing. I can be too cerebral and, therefore, can attract an audience with the same struggles.


      Second, I wanted to become a better practitioner by learning more about how to support my own clients about money, yes, but also about other sensitive areas that are relevant to my specific work. Bari did not disappoint. I appreciated watching Bari hold space for us and I watched her leadership style closely. Every now and then you get to see a master at work and this was one of those opportunities. I watched the authenticity with which she uses her methods in her own work and how she leads with her values, while respecting those of her clients. I watched how she balances being gentle with pushing, when being gentle was all that someone could handle or when a push was what someone needed. She understands when to invite, when to direct, and when to leave it alone. I watched her be a smart leader in a room full of smart leaders, the quintessential coach’s coach. I will take ALL of this with me into my own practice and program design.


      - Cori Willis, Attorney and Business Coach


      I signed up for the AOM Mentor Program for two reasons and was blown away in both.


      First, I wanted to work on any money issues I have that might be affecting my life, my business, and how I serve my audience. Within the first two live sessions, I immediately uncovered two money stories that I hadn’t already recognized in my previous money work. Bari’s work also introduced me to the somatic pieces that I had been missing. I can be too cerebral and, therefore, can attract an audience with the same struggles.


      Second, I wanted to become a better practitioner by learning more about how to support my own clients about money, yes, but also about other sensitive areas that are relevant to my specific work. Bari did not disappoint. I appreciated watching Bari hold space for us and I watched her leadership style closely. Every now and then you get to see a master at work and this was one of those opportunities. I watched the authenticity with which she uses her methods in her own work and how she leads with her values, while respecting those of her clients. I watched how she balances being gentle with pushing, when being gentle was all that someone could handle or when a push was what someone needed. She understands when to invite, when to direct, and when to leave it alone. I watched her be a smart leader in a room full of smart leaders, the quintessential coach’s coach. I will take ALL of this with me into my own practice and program design.


      - Cori Willis, Attorney and Business Coach


      I just wanted to share that it's been such a great evolution for me being here.


      Since we started, with your support, I've made some really solid progress in my business, as well as some good friends that I still have weekly money meetups with on zoom.


      Also, thank you, Bari, for being so compassionate with all of us when we share our stories. It's a reminder to me that it's a gift I also have - being compassionate - but I sometimes don't give a lot of compassion to myself. So seeing you display that and sharing that with us, it's been a reminder for me to share it with myself as well.


      The mentorship was honestly the best investment I made in 2022. It really was.


      - Korynn Elliott, Mind-Body Medicine Practitioner and Human Design Educator



      I just wanted to share that it's been such a great evolution for me being here.


      Since we started, with your support, I've made some really solid progress in my business, as well as some good friends that I still have weekly money meetups with on zoom.


      Also, thank you, Bari, for being so compassionate with all of us when we share our stories. It's a reminder to me that it's a gift I also have - being compassionate - but I sometimes don't give a lot of compassion to myself. So seeing you display that and sharing that with us, it's been a reminder for me to share it with myself as well.


      The mentorship was honestly the best investment I made in 2022. It really was.


      - Korynn Elliott, Mind-Body Medicine Practitioner and Human Design Educator

      Meet Your Guest Mentors

      I’m so thrilled to know that you’ll not only get extensive, direct, one-on-one mentorship from me, but also from these deeply knowledgeable guest mentors. Each of these mentors will host one of the weekly mentor calls where you can ask any questions you like about their particular expertise. Additionally, stay tuned for an exciting surprise guest instructor (hint: it might just be my husband), who will be conducting a Q&A session on the topic of creative marketing!


      Sonya Brewer is a Somatic and Trauma Psychotherapist


      Sonya Brewer is a licensed psychotherapist, somatic coach and relationship expert in Albany, CA, and the creator of "Badass Boundaries for Overachieving Trauma Survivors". Sonya specializes in helping overachieving trauma survivors and their partners create more joy, freedom, ease and success in their lives and relationships. She loves helping trauma survivors feel more alive, connected and authentic while also bringing their gifts to the world. Sonya brings a wide breadth of experience including in-depth training in somatic psychology and relational psychotherapy, extensive training in trauma recovery through the Somatic Experiencing and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institutes, and training in somatic coaching through Generative Somatics. Sonya’s work is also deeply influenced by training and experience in bodywork, dance, and mindfulness meditation. She also teaches about trauma recovery, embodied living and sacred sexuality.


      As a Guest Mentor, Sonya will guide us through the fundamental principles of trauma-informed work, how our bodies respond to stress, and how we can learn to honor these responses so that we can meet our people where they are in challenging life and money moments.

      Mikelann is a money coach, writer, speaker and leader in the field of personal finance.


      Mikelann is a money coach, writer, speaker and leader in the field of personal finance. She has been in private practice over 20 years, working with private individuals on how to manage cash flow in an easier way, while also uncovering and addressing their own unique financial psychology.


      She has a bachelors in economics, a masters in psychology, and is also an accredited financial counselor (AFC®). She possesses more than two decades of helping people experience greater financial control and success. She knows it really is possible to heal your relationship to money and leave financial anxiety behind, forever. She is based in Seattle, Washington.


      As a Guest Mentor, Mikelann will host a Q&A on financial coaching tools.

      Is The Art of Money Mentorship Right For You?

      The Art of Money Mentorship Program is made for you if:

      ⇨ You are a therapist, coach, or financial professional that wants to go deeper into the Art of Money methodology because you know that when you do your own personal money work, it ripples outwards to impact all of your relationships - and your business, too.

      ⇨ You are a therapist or coach who wants to bring more somatic awareness, practical tools, and supportive practices to help you and your clients navigate your money relationships.

      ⇨ You are a financial coach, financial planner, bookkeeper, or realtor who wants to offer more emotional intelligence to support your clients (and their personal growth).

      ⇨ You’ve read The Art of Money book or have taken The Art of Money program. (This is ideal, but if you haven’t taken the course, you can take it at a discount. Read more below.)

      ⇨ You are committed to showing up and actively doing your own personal money work, even when it gets uncomfortable.

      Have Questions? We Have Answers

      Your Investment

      For Art of Money Alumni


      If you’ve taken the Art of Money program in the past, AMMP is a $3000 investment that includes automatic access to the latest version of the Art of Money program and materials. Need a payment plan? No problem! Pay four monthly installments of $825 instead.


      For Those Who Haven’t Taken Art of Money Yet


      If you aren’t an Art of Money alumnus, your $3500 AMMP investment includes an all-access pass to The Art of Money (for only $500, that’s a 40% discount!) to ensure you have the foundational resources and understanding you need to bring these money healing tools to life for more of your people. Need a payment plan? No problem! Pay four monthly installments of $962.50 instead.


      This is Really Important:


      The Art of Money is a non-refundable investment in your relationship with money. It’s an invitation to listen, learn, connect, explore, and transform, in a richly supportive group experience. We want you to make a clear decision upfront and once you're in, you're in.


      For Art of Money

      One-time Payment

      of $3000

      4 Monthly Payments

      of $825

      Mentorship +
      AOM (Non-Alum)

      One-time Payment

      of $3500

      4 Monthly Payments

      of $962.50


      Bari creates a sacred container for this work and she is a wise and loving mentor.


      I received many tangible and intangible gifts as a result of showing up, the greatest being the healing that occurred when I allowed myself to be seen and heard.


      One of my intentions for this program was to expand my toolbox and bring a more balanced flow to my coaching sessions that allows time and space for both the inner and outer work of Financial Recovery. Being a part of this mentorship allowed me to slow down and bring in more of the healing tools that I already had - and was somewhat reluctant to use - because I wanted my clients to feel like they were moving forward and had momentum. Slowing down and Incorporating more somatic practices in my work with clients has enriched the process.


      If you feel called to take the next step in your own money healing journey, I highly recommend this program.


      - Dana Conley, Certified Financial Recovery Counselor


      I’ve been studying and teaching financial literacy for over 25 years. I have a master’s in personal financial planning. Yet, I felt like an incomplete imposter because I wasn’t walking my talk. Ouch!


      I found that magical missing zenith where money meets emotion in Bari Tessler’s Art of Money Mentorship Program.


      I’m grateful for the life-evolutionary experience in this program, for Bari’s personal guidance, and for the seismic shift in my money-life that this program is making.


      Now I can help others! Worth every dime!!


      - PJ Gunter, Accredited Financial Counselor and Career Development Advisor, Naropa University


      I just loved being in Bari Tessler’s presence. Her knowledge is so deep and her compassion limitless.


      The Art of Money program helped me bridge the gap between my comfort and fluidity with the quantitative aspect of financial planning, with my clients’ need for compassion as they unearth the various emotional traumas around their money. I am hopeful this will enable me to coach them with kindness and understanding so they can face their numbers without pain.


      - Jamie Ehrenthal, Certified Financial Planner


      The AOM Mentorship Program is ideal for women seeking to gain greater clarity, connection, and community while deepening their personal money practices and relationship with self.


      It’s a beautiful exploration and initiation into working with the shadow side of money and uncovering--and embracing--the hard truths about yourself and using them to your personal and financial advantage. Think of AOM Mentorship as a supportive cocoon that provides comfort, support, and structure that prepares you to take your final form as the butterfly you’re meant to be.


      - Erika Rasure, PHD | Financial Therapist


      Bari’s intuition and facilitation skills are crazy good.


      - Mikelann Valterra,Money Coach | Leader in the field of personal finance


      Bari creates a sacred container for this work and she is a wise and loving mentor.


      I received many tangible and intangible gifts as a result of showing up, the greatest being the healing that occurred when I allowed myself to be seen and heard.


      One of my intentions for this program was to expand my toolbox and bring a more balanced flow to my coaching sessions that allows time and space for both the inner and outer work of Financial Recovery. Being a part of this mentorship allowed me to slow down and bring in more of the healing tools that I already had - and was somewhat reluctant to use - because I wanted my clients to feel like they were moving forward and had momentum. Slowing down and Incorporating more somatic practices in my work with clients has enriched the process.


      If you feel called to take the next step in your own money healing journey, I highly recommend this program.


      - Dana Conley, Certified Financial Recovery Counselor


      I'm stepping into a new identity.


      And I have these resources for this community too, so thank you for that... the wisdom of this community has been so meaningful to me.

      - Adeeba Deterville, Ph.D., African/Black Psychology Scholar


      Over the 15 years that I've been in business, I've invested a heck of a lot of money. 


      Like so much money. By far, this has been the singular best investment in all those years in everything that I've done. I can go at my pace. This program, and you, Bari, brought that to me and it's changed everything about how I go forward.


      - Joanne Grobbelaar, Consulting | Facilitating | Coaching


      I always trust Bari to hold a space that is meaningful and transformative, and that’s exactly what happened this time. 


      My favorite parts of the mentor program experience were the live calls, getting to interact with people, hearing other people’s experiences, but also the opportunity in a safe space to explore really deep questions about how we feel and what we look at when we deal with money. So the live calls felt very visceral and deep and powerful to me.


      And, I loved all the topics covered from the practical side about pricing and services all the way to looking at Enneagram more deeply as a way to understand our experience with money to looking at trauma. Both of the guest mentors were excellent and brought added nuance and depth to the experience.


      It has been transformative for me and I’m so grateful that I made the investment in both time and money.


      - Caroline Donahue, book COACH


      My favorite parts of the program were undoubtedly Bari and her staff.


      I felt incredibly safe with all of you, and the library was stellar. This sense of safety and the resources provided were also exceptional. You've really set up a beautiful model. 


      I got a lot out of watching Bari facilitate the group. I've particularly loved the pauses for somatic check-ins and resourcing ourselves during our group process time. And, I'm doing way more somatic work with my clients now. My own experience in the group format has deeply impacted how I will encourage my groups to feel comfortable speaking up and sharing.


      As for the positive changes in my business, there's been a significant shift. I'm feeling more comfortable raising my rates, which reflects my internalization of my worth as a practitioner. This program has not only enhanced my professional skills but also instilled a greater sense of personal worth and confidence in my practical.


      - Kim Corson, PHD, Developmental Psychologist | Coach


      I’ve been studying and teaching financial literacy for over 25 years. I have a master’s in personal financial planning. Yet, I felt like an incomplete imposter because I wasn’t walking my talk. Ouch!


      I found that magical missing zenith where money meets emotion in Bari Tessler’s Art of Money Mentorship Program.


      I’m grateful for the life-evolutionary experience in this program, for Bari’s personal guidance, and for the seismic shift in my money-life that this program is making.


      Now I can help others! Worth every dime!!


      - PJ Gunter, Accredited Financial Counselor and Career Development Advisor, Naropa University


      I just loved being in Bari Tessler’s presence. Her knowledge is so deep and her compassion limitless.


      The Art of Money program helped me bridge the gap between my comfort and fluidity with the quantitative aspect of financial planning, with my clients’ need for compassion as they unearth the various emotional traumas around their money. I am hopeful this will enable me to coach them with kindness and understanding so they can face their numbers without pain.


      - Jamie Ehrenthal, Certified Financial Planner


      The AOM Mentorship Program is ideal for women seeking to gain greater clarity, connection, and community while deepening their personal money practices and relationship with self.


      It’s a beautiful exploration and initiation into working with the shadow side of money and uncovering--and embracing--the hard truths about yourself and using them to your personal and financial advantage. Think of AOM Mentorship as a supportive cocoon that provides comfort, support, and structure that prepares you to take your final form as the butterfly you’re meant to be.


      - Erika Rasure, PHD | Financial Therapist


      Bari’s intuition and facilitation skills are crazy good.


      - Mikelann Valterra,Money Coach | Leader in the field of personal finance


      I'm stepping into a new identity.


      And I have these resources for this community too, so thank you for that... the wisdom of this community has been so meaningful to me.


      - Adeeba Deterville, Ph.D.,African/Black Psychology Scholar


      Over the 15 years that I've been in business, I've invested a heck of a lot of money. 


      Like so much money. By far, this has been the singular best investment in all those years in everything that I've done. I can go at my pace. This program, and you, Bari, brought that to me and it's changed everything about how I go forward.


      - Joanne Grobbelaar, Consulting | Facilitating | Coaching


      I always trust Bari to hold a space that is meaningful and transformative, and that’s exactly what happened this time. 


      My favorite parts of the mentor program experience were the live calls, getting to interact with people, hearing other people’s experiences, but also the opportunity in a safe space to explore really deep questions about how we feel and what we look at when we deal with money. So the live calls felt very visceral and deep and powerful to me.


      And, I loved all the topics covered from the practical side about pricing and services all the way to looking at Enneagram more deeply as a way to understand our experience with money to looking at trauma. Both of the guest mentors were excellent and brought added nuance and depth to the experience.


      It has been transformative for me and I’m so grateful that I made the investment in both time and money.


      - Caroline Donahue, book COACH


      My favorite parts of the program were undoubtedly Bari and her staff.


      I felt incredibly safe with all of you, and the library was stellar. This sense of safety and the resources provided were also exceptional. You've really set up a beautiful model. 


      I got a lot out of watching Bari facilitate the group. I've particularly loved the pauses for somatic check-ins and resourcing ourselves during our group process time. And, I'm doing way more somatic work with my clients now. My own experience in the group format has deeply impacted how I will encourage my groups to feel comfortable speaking up and sharing.


      As for the positive changes in my business, there's been a significant shift. I'm feeling more comfortable raising my rates, which reflects my internalization of my worth as a practitioner. This program has not only enhanced my professional skills but also instilled a greater sense of personal worth and confidence in my practical.


      - Kim Corson, PHD, Developmental Psychologist | Coach


      I am not a therapist or a traditional financial advisor. My path has involved bridging both worlds and having this space has been healing in a way that I did not know I needed.


      Every single class, I walked away with insights and avenues to explore and discover. I am grateful for being exposed to these conversations and look forward to incorporating this collective wisdom into practice. I have more and better tools to support people going forward.


      Bari, the mentor coaches and guest mentors have been great role models and guides providing real world practical knowledge/experience, encouragement and support. The entire experience has been nourishing. It is so important to have spaces like this in our world today. Thank you for providing the safe space and container to learn, grow and heal, personally and professionally.


      - Dedra Murchison, Owner, Road Map to Change


      This program was the kick-in-the-ass that I needed at this point in my life.


      I am eternally grateful for the folks who shared your name with me so many years ago and that I've been able to finally engage in this work directly. My goal is to continue to stay engaged in this extremely life-altering work. Thank you Bari for all that you do!


      - Karen Zurlinden, Bookkeeper | FINANCIAL COACH

      Join The Art of Money Mentorship Program

      For Art of Money

      One-time Payment

      of $3000

      4 Monthly Payments

      of $825

      Mentorship +
      AOM (Non-Alum)

      One-time Payment

      of $3500

      4 Monthly Payments

      of $962.50

      This is Really Important

      The Art of Money is a non-refundable investment in your relationship with money.


      It’s an invitation to listen, learn, connect, explore, and transform, in a richly supportive group experience. We want you to make a clear decision upfront and once you're in, you're in.


      It's also good to note that this is a tax deduction for your business under professional development.


      Terms & Conditions

      Alright. If you’re still reading this far down on the page, kudos for you!


      Since it’s just you and me here in this little box, I wanted to sum everything up for you in a few sentences.


      The bottom line here is that I designed this mentor program for people just like you.
      It’s meant to give you three important things:


      1. A safe, secure space for you to do your own money work.  


      2. Tools and strategies to support your clients and customers around their own money issues. 


      3. Methods to help you grow your business or practice.

      These are the three big things that people have been asking me for help with over the last 10 years when financial professionals, therapists, and coaches have asked for a program like this.  

      You can join me, the guest mentors, and the group of your peers that have already hopped on the train, right here.


      All the best to you,
