Money Memoir: How Berna said “Bye Felicia” to $50K of debt.

written by Bari Tessler January 12, 2018
Berna Money Memoir

What if you could talk to real people about money? We ALL have money stories to share. Tough times and how we overcame them. Hard-won wisdom. Inspiration and soulful insights. In this intimate conversation series, I talk to real people about real money stuff. Curl up with a cuppa as we pull back the curtain. Because when we dare to speak the truth about money … amazing healing begins.

One Mountain at a Time: How Berna Paid off

$50,000 of Debt without Losing her Shine

If you haven’t already heard of Bernadette Anat, then I am beyond excited to introduce you!

I first “met” Berna through her viral YouTube videos, “Felicia’s Wallet,” where she shares her story of paying off over $50K in debt … in a style completely (and hilariously) her own.

Her story is mega-inspiring to me for so many reasons. Of course: paying off that mountain of debt is a huge triumph. But perhaps even more importantly is how Berna did it.

She didn’t punish herself. She fired up her motivation. She found methods that worked for her (hint: NOT spreadsheets!). She stuck with a sustainable rhythm. She celebrated milestones … and did it all with creativity and flair.

In our inspiring + practical + hilarious conversation, you’ll hear:

  • What Berna does instead of budgeting (she calls it “BAE” and it’s genius)
  • How she set goals to save her from overwhelm
  • The magic behind her “Bye Felicia” Google Doc, which went viral on YouTube
  • Why “avocado toast splurges” aren’t 100% to blame for Millennials’ financial struggles
  • How she and her sweetie got honest about money — together.

Also available on iTunes

I adore how Bernadette blazed her very own money trail. She drew on her strengths, got creative, got brave, and is now free to — literally — travel the world without money stress. Amazing.

About Bernadette Anat
By day, Berna Anat is yet another Annoying Millennial Working in Tech. By night, she’s definitely still an Annoying Millennial and the creator of a new financial advice video series for young people called Felicia’s Wallet. She currently works as the Teen Community Lead at Instagram, which basically means she is tasked with knowing every teen trend, all the time, forever. Her portfolio includes work for Seventeen, Glamour, Shape, Scholastic and The Huffington Post, as well as teen advocacy work for the YMCA and video production for youth brands worldwide. Follow her travels and writings, here.

P.S. Ready to go deeper with your relationship to money? Get the practical tools and holistic framework you need to guide your money journey. Sign up for the Art of Money program and join a global community of genuine support – YES, you can bring a friend too (and get a discount). Grab your adventure buddy and join the Art of Money, which is now On-Demand (+ includes all the community components)!

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