Last Call: Art of Money Closes Tonight!

written by Bari Tessler January 16, 2022
Bari Tessler Open Arms

Hi there, Money Adventurer,

Whew…a lot is going on in the world right now, eh? (Yes, I’m glaring at you, Mr. 2 year pandemic.)

I don’t know about you, but I know that times like these can bring up a lot of tough emotions, and often those emotions bring up our money stuff as well.

And that combo? Can turn us into a hot mess. As in, there isn’t enough dark chocolate or warm baths to help us get through it all.

Working on our relationship to money can be hard, especially when we try to go it alone.

But it’s times like these when having a community and support team around you can be a huge help.

That’s why the Art of Money program is designed the way it is. It’s not just a collection of self-paced online learning materials that you go through alone at your own pace.

Sure, that’s a part of the experience, but the bigger, way more valuable part of it is the support you feel from the community of other program members, from my team of alumni guides and business crew, and directly from me.

It’s a whole big family of like-minded people all doing their own money work…but doing it together.

Tonight at 12 Midnight, Mountain Time, registration for The Art of Money 2022 is closing.

Tomorrow morning, me and my team of alumni guides will continue to welcome all of the new program members into the community space where they’re making new friends, and beginning their journey of going through the step-by-step Art of Money path towards their own version of a better relationship with money.

We would love, love, love to welcome you as well. I mean, seriously, we have plenty of support to go around…support that can help us all through times like this.

You can learn about the program and grab a seat on the Art of Money train right here.

No matter where you are or what’s happening around you today, I wish you all the best in navigating your way through the challenges.

With my dearest wishes,

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