Couples + Money

Bari Tessler, Financial Therapist, Author of The Art of Money, Tayari Jones, Author, Paula Polito, Global Client Strategy Officer and Group Managing Director, Global Wealth Management, UBS Financial Services Inc. and Bianna Golodryga, Journalist and CNN Contributor, 'WHY FINANCIAL HEALTH IS THE NEXT FRONTIER FOR WOMEN' at The 2019 Women In The World Summit in New York City; 4/11/2019

Financial Health: The Next Frontier for Women. That was our theme when I hit the stage a few days ago, speaking to a packed house of 3,000 people live in NYC at the Lincoln Center. Whoa!! Folks, this was the biggest crowd I’d ever spoken to. And it was one of the biggest thrills of my professional life yet. (Thank you, more please!) The event was the 10th annual Women in the World Summit. And I got to share the…

April 15, 2019
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The true story of how I hyperventilated at the car dealership Yes, I hyperventilate in some big ticket money decisions…like this one. “Good car, good car,” I said, patting the dashboard of our electric Nissan Leaf. Our little family is so grateful for this car. It reduces our carbon footprint — and shows our son how fun and cool that can be! It gives us tons more freedom than when we only had one car. And it runs like a…

October 25, 2017
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Why is money so stressful and sticky in our love relationships? Bari, we can talk about anything — sex, politics, vaccinations, religion — but we can’t get on the same page about money. We either fight about it … or don’t talk about it at all. I can’t tell you how many couples have told me some version of that, over the last 16 years. And study after study shows: money is the #1 source of stress in intimate relationships.…

October 21, 2017
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