You don’t have to do this alone.
Meet my Transformation Assistants!

written by Bari Tessler February 14, 2018

Dear Community,

When you’ve been thonking your head against your tax return for six hours (and four chocolate bars).

When you see that Post-It on your desk that says, “stop undercharging already!” but quote your new client last year’s rates, anyway … and can’t figure out why.

When you’ve been researching for months for the best place to invest all the while trying to make sure the options align with your organic-peace-loving values.

When you and your sweetie keep having the same money fight, over and over and are S-T-U-C-K.

When everyone at your high school reunion is talking about 401K’s and financial planning wizardry and your eyes glaze over as you think, “Welp, add that to the list of money stuff nobody ever taught me. Guess it’s just too late?”

Slow down. Breathe. Put down that Post-It pad. And repeat after me:

I do not have to do it all, all alone.
I do not have to know it all, all by myself.
I can ask for help. I can accept help.
Getting support is allowed, encouraged, and actually?
An incredibly smart move.

Take it from me.

There are amazing, wicked-smart, big-hearted, not-at-all-scary-I-PROMISE people out there who are just waiting for you to call or email or Facebook them for help.

How do I know this? Well, I asked some of these wicked-smart people if they’d help you. And they already said yes.

See, I don’t have do it all on my own. When an Art of Money student posts in our private Facebook group asking which bookkeeping system her hybrid dog groomer and B&B should use, I want her to get the BEST answer, even if it’s not from me.

That’s why I’ve gathered an amazing team of women — all experts in their fields — to help.

These women have my back — and yours, too, if you join us.

If you join my year-long Art of Money program (YES! You can still join), you don’t just get the very best of MY support for a whole year.

You also get access to my team of Teaching Assistants (who we lovingly refer to as our Transformation Assistants).

When you’re wondering how to hold that boundary and stop undercharging already … when you’re lost in a sea of bookkeeping systems … when you know you want to align your investments with your organic-peace-loving values, but have no clue how to actually DO that … THESE are the women who can answer your questions, cheer you on, and virtually pass you another chocolate bar (no shame).

Pick one of these fabulous women … and listen to her specific money passion.

The following are interviews with our wonderful Art of Money Teaching Assistants. I’m honored to share their expertise with you.

And if you sign up for The Art of Money 2018, these are the fabulous women who will join me in welcoming you … and supporting you for an entire year.

Andrea Smith Gage – Somatic Experiencing practitioner, boundaries coach, bodyworker, retired self-defense instructor.

Hear my conversation with Andrea about money, boundaries, and the body here:

Also available on iTunes

Jessica Reagan Salzman – Founder of Heart-Based Bookkeeping and my personal bookkeeper!

Listen to our conversation about honoring both the emotions AND the nuts ’n bolts of bookkeeping.

Also available on iTunes

Carrie VanWinkle – Socially responsive financial advisor and financial planner, urban beekkeeper (!)

Listen as we discuss connecting the dots between what you love and where you invest.

Also available on iTunes

Makeda Pennycooke – Mindset & Empowerment Coach

Hear us discuss how to get unstuck – in life, work, and your “money stuff.”

Also available on iTunes

*Heads up: All of these women are TA’s in The Art of Money 2018 except Makeda, who served as a TA in previous years. But her interview was so good, I didn’t want you to miss it!

Here’s to NOT doing it alone.

I’m so honored and excited to spend the next year with these smart, generous, lovely women in The Art of Money 2018.

Because when you reach out and ask for help? You don’t just solve your issue. You make a connection.

And that? Makes not doing it all alone Is a beautiful thing.

P.S. Yes, you read right!! You can still sign up for The Art of Money 2018. You haven’t missed our first LIVE Q&A call (with me!), but it’s right around the corner, so get in while you still can, yeah?

The Art of Money | Bari Tessler

When you join The Art of Money 2018, you won’t just spend a year with your money relationship all alone. You get me. Our vibrant, eclectic global community. AND this phenomenal team of Transformation Assistants to answer your questions, cheer you on, and remind you how brave you are.

Join The Art of Money (and stop doing all your “money stuff” all alone) right here.

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