She was so brave: Behind the closed doors of an Art of Money coaching call.

written by Bari Tessler November 3, 2015

Money is a journey. And it never goes in a straight line.

You dance two triumphant steps forward … only to fall one step behind.

You track your expenses religiously for a month … then realize you hate that software.

You take a big leap in your day-to-day money practices … only to zigzag back to deep, vulnerable, internal work.

This is why we need friends. Kindred voyagers on this money journey, to cheer us on when we succeed and hold our hands when we get stuck in the muck. We need deep breaths. We need chocolate. We need loving, un-shaming mentorship. It takes a village.

Today, I want to share with you an intimate glimpse of one such village. Because I know how crucial a supportive community is to this money work, I baked it right into my year-long money school, The Art of Money. We have a private Facebook group for cheerleading and empathizing. We have an incredible team of 5 TA’s (Transformation Assistants!). And we have monthly, live, group Q&A calls where anyone can get live, laser coaching with me.

Today, you get to listen in to a delightful snippet from a recent Art of Money Q&A call.

Listen to this short audio clip and hear us talk about:

  • How money tracking and money visioning dance together (One gracious AOM member gives the perfect metaphor!)
  • How to find compassion for yourself when you “fall off the wagon” with tracking your expenses
  • How to balance Big Time Financial Responsibility … with gentleness, artistry, and poetry
  • How to find the beauty in simplifying, and small ways to feel abundant and start dreaming again.

I’m so grateful to my dear community member, for her willingness to share this intimate conversation with all of you. I know so many of you will identify with the wide range of issues she brings up. I hope my answers to her support you, right now, in your own money work…

Love the supportive convo? This is the kind of conversation we have all the time, over in my dear Art of Money community. In the private Facebook group. In our monthly group coaching calls. With me, with dear TA’s, and with a kindred community, all doing this money work, all over the world (in 2015, we have people from 24 different countries going through the program.)

If you’re so ready for this kind of loving accountability and supportive mentorship … to help you create a fresh, more honest, and deeply meaningful relationship with money … now’s a wonderful time to sign up for The Art of Money 2016. We officially begin in February, but we’re opening our doors now, for a short time, for those of you ready to dive right in and start changing your relationship with money for the better…now. 

You’ll get access to a boat load of early bird training materials, a live kickstarter class on November 15th, 2015, a live tele-ritual with Bari in December of 2015 (to set yourself up for big change in 2016), and when January 2016 comes, you’ll get access to the member’s area, where there will be a batch of pre-course content to help you go further before we officially begin on February 1st, 2016.

Click here to learn all about this year-long money school — and the early bird bonuses you’ll get when you register now.

Sending so much love to you, to my dear Art of Money community, and to the global conscious money movement …


p.s. Once a year, something magical happens ‘round here: my beloved, year-long money school, The Art of Moneyopens its doors a little early for the early birds who have been waiting (with baited breath) to begin their journey to a better relationship with money. That time is now … and we’re celebrating with this Money Mochas Series: mini-jolts of sweet, delicious money clarity. In the time it’d take you to enjoy a mocha, you’ll get a rich, savory idea of practice about money. Enjoy!

The best part: each Money Mocha is heart-plucked from the private, member’s only area of my Art of Money program. So you’re getting a wee taste of the Art of Money experience!

If you love this sneak peek, consider signing up for our early bird registration for The Art of Money 2016. We officially begin in January, but we’re opening our doors from now to November 15th for those of you ready to get started now … and get spoiled with exclusive classes, rituals, and e-goodies from me. All the details about early bird prezzies and this amazing, year-long journey (open now!) are right here.

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