
personal finance

Feeling My Way Through Estate Planning

Dear Money Adventurer, So often, when we think of planning for the future, we’re looking to our goals and dreams to create what comes next in our lives. But what about the future that comes after us? Do you have a plan in place to protect and provide for your loved ones after your death? For so many of us, this question is full of fear and uncertainty. We’re brought face to face with our mortality. On top of that,…

October 5, 2021
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Have you ever been on a money date money mocha

Dear Money Adventurer, Today’s Money Mocha is an invitation to look at money a little bit differently. In a world that doesn’t really talk about money, we’re most familiar with the practical side of money – this is where we take action, pay our bills, manage accounts, and plan for the future. These things are such an ingrained part of our lives that we rarely stop to think about HOW we do them. Do you put off paying your bills…

September 7, 2021
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unexpected money curveball

Dear Money Adventurer, I have a tradition of sharing a money mini-series of real-life tools and loving encouragement to support and guide folks in their money journeys. I call these short and sweet letters of inspiration my Money Mochas – bite-sized morsels of financial wisdom, practices, and guidance delivered straight to your inbox to help you grow along your money journey. And if you’re experiencing a money curveball at the moment, I’m excited to serve this one up for you…

September 2, 2021
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