Money Mochas

Dear Money Adventurer, Your relationship to money is like a layer cake. (Now there’s a metaphor we can get behind, right?) There’s a big, thick, gooey emotional layer. (I’m imagining dark chocolate ganache, if you can’t tell.) Maybe there are actually several of these layers, throughout the cake. Then there’s a psychological-mental layer. That’s all of the beliefs and patterns you have about money, whether they came from you, your parents, your culture, or beyond. (Raspberry coulis, perhaps?) Money has…

November 17, 2023
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money dates

Dear Money Adventurer, Your relationship to money is like a layer cake. (Now there’s a metaphor we can get behind, right?) There’s a big, thick, gooey emotional layer. (I’m imagining dark chocolate ganache, if you can’t tell.) Maybe there are actually several of these layers, throughout the cake. Then there’s a psychological-mental layer. That’s all of the beliefs and patterns you have about money, whether they came from you, your parents, your culture, or beyond. (Raspberry coulis, perhaps?) Money has…

April 14, 2023
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Dear Money Adventurer, Every single day of our lives, whether we realize it or not, each one of us is writing our own unique Money Story. Yet, no matter how different our journeys may be, there are certain themes and questions that we all struggle with at some point or another. And when we realize that we aren’t the only ones facing these challenges, the burden is a little easier to carry. That’s why I share these Money Mochas –…

September 23, 2022
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