Pocket Map For Your Money Roadmap

“I’ve never been good with money, and I never will be.”

“Just thinking about money makes me feel overwhelmed. I don’t know where to start.”

“Even though I’m financially secure, I still find myself struggling with feelings of lack.”

“I screwed up, and I’ll never be able to fix it. Money will always be a struggle.”

Sound familiar?

It isn’t just you. Few people receive any financial education growing up. One day we find ourselves trying to cobble the pieces together (ask me about the day I got my first student loan bill), and realize that we aren’t quite sure how to deal with money, never mind talk about it.

The truth is, our relationship with money goes far beyond buying groceries and bank account balances. It’s woven into beliefs and stories that we inherited from our families as children, the emotions that come up for us around money, and how we value our time and the work we put into the world.

“When we dare to speak the truth about money, amazing healing begins.”
- Bari Tessler

You don’t have to stay stuck in old patterns that no longer serve you. Money doesn’t have to be stressful, anxiety-inducing, or leave you feeling like you’re not good enough. Your relationship with money can become a doorway to honoring yourself, bringing forgiveness to the past so you can begin a new chapter infused with joy and gratitude.

I’ve seen it happen thousands of times, and it can happen for you, too.

Want a taste test?

The 7 Day Pocket Map to the Art of Money is a bite-sized sample of everything you need to start a new money adventure:

  • My 3 phase framework to guide you as you begin your money journey. Here we dive into intimate, personal perspectives and practical, hands-on resources to support and empower you.
    • Money Healing: Get clear on your money story - here we un-shame the past, claim our value, and learn to write a new chapter.
    • Money Practices: Learn the language of money, gather practical tools, and infuse the nuts and bolts with a sense of fun and adventure.
    • Money Maps: Step into a more personal way to track your needs and manage your money without ever using a dreaded “budget” again. Align your finances with your goals, values, and dreams.
  • Body-based practices to help you get out of your head when challenging emotions come up along the way. Money triggers a lot of big feelings, from shame and fear to joy and delight. Learn to sit with them so you can hear what they have to share with you.
  • Creative exercises that empower you to build a more authentic relationship with money. How do you want to feel when it comes to money? Peaceful? Balanced? Light-hearted? Grateful?

What you need for the journey:

  • A journal or notebook to record your thoughts and reflections as we begin our travels together. Leave yourself lots of room to explore and don’t forget to bring your favorite pen!
  • A comfy spot to sit. Grab something to sip and throw on your favorites tunes. There is no rush here.
  • A desire to create healthy, sustainable change in your relationship with money. 

That’s it.

Whether you’re tentatively wading into these new waters or wholeheartedly diving in, all of you is welcome here.***

I know these woods like the back of my hand, and I’m honored to show you the way.

Ready to go? Take my hand.