
Bari Tessler

The dear Hannah Marcotti invited me to write a holiday love note. She included it in her ‘Joy Up’ Community, where she mixes magic, soulwork, tradition, ritual with grounding in the now.  Joy Up is a wonderful place to hang out online during the month of December. And, Hannah is known as the faery who supports her beauties to step deeper into their joy at this sensitive time of the year. Inspired by Hannah, I sat down to write… and see what stories would…

December 24, 2012
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How are you doing these days, during this wonderful, and sometimes challenging, season? How are you and money doing these days? {Hint: help with that below.} For me, holiday time conjures up so many emotions all at the same time: from deep love, joy + connectedness . . . to deep sadness . . . to deep introspection & re-evaluation . . . and back again to deep joy, rest, rejuvenation, celebration and connectedness. I welcome the whole range this…

December 20, 2012
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Do you have an accountant you adore and trust? If so, you can stop reading now. If, on the other hand, the mere mention of the word “Accountant” puts you on edge . . . today’s article is for you, dear friend. So many of us feel dis-empowered, confused, and overwhelmed when it comes to hiring and working with an accountant, E.A. (Enrolled Agent), or Tax expert. Today’s article is intended to help you work through your money emotions and…

November 29, 2012
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