
Bari Tessler

Golden Nugget #10: Money Healing, Money Practices, Money Maps. Today, I write to you with a tender heart. It’s my 45th birthday. The beginning of a new year. A fresh start. Celebration + gratitude. Endings + beginnings. The power of possibilities … and the tenderness of crossing a sacred threshold. It’s always powerful for me to have my birthday at the dawn of a new year … but this time around, it’s been more intense than ever. Two weeks ago,…

January 3, 2014
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  Golden Nugget #9: Money Maps Psst … If you missed it, do check out the first part of this practice. In Part One: Looking Back, I guide you through a mini money ritual to complete this year. Because every transition (whether it’s a new year or a whole new phase of your life) involves saying hello to the new and saying goodbye to the old. Once you have done a thorough, grounded review of this year — including your…

December 20, 2013
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Golden Nugget #8: Money Maps Ah, the end of another year. Farewells. Fresh beginnings. Celebrations + heartfelt hopes. As this year ends, so does another chapter of your money story. Wherever you’re at with money — single, married, or entrepreneur; seasoned pro or terrified to even look at your numbers — this is a wonderful time to slow down, check in with yourself, review the year, and set intentions for next year. It’s easy to get swept up in the…

December 20, 2013
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