Money Practices

Dear Money Adventurer, Everything you didn’t know you needed to know about your financial support team Please say it with me:I do not have to know everything.I can ask for help.Sometimes, getting support is the strongest, bravest thing to do. Years ago, I was a diehard DIY’er, when it came to money stuff. Back in the early days of my Financial Therapy work, I advised everyone to keep their own books — essentially, to be their own bookkeeper — at…

November 27, 2023
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Dear Money Adventurer, I have a quick question for you: what do you do when life throws a money curve ball at you? Not a ball of money (which would be nice), but a financial challenge, one you never saw coming until it hit you by surprise in the middle of an otherwise unremarkable afternoon. No matter what your money story looks like, we all encounter unexpected money curveballs in life. Today’s Money Mocha I’ve just brewed up fresh for…

November 18, 2023
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Dear Money Adventurer, Your relationship to money is like a layer cake. (Now there’s a metaphor we can get behind, right?) There’s a big, thick, gooey emotional layer. (I’m imagining dark chocolate ganache, if you can’t tell.) Maybe there are actually several of these layers, throughout the cake. Then there’s a psychological-mental layer. That’s all of the beliefs and patterns you have about money, whether they came from you, your parents, your culture, or beyond. (Raspberry coulis, perhaps?) Money has…

November 17, 2023
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