Money Maps

Your New Year’s Life + Money Ritual Part Two: How to Look Ahead

Dear Community, Banging pots ‘n pans at midnight. Cheers-ing with bubbly and good friends. Grabbing a broom and (literally) sweeping the old right outta your front door as you recite a prayer of gratitude and release. No matter what your personal ritual for ringing in the New Year or how you celebrated this time around, I hope it was truly wonderful. As you look ahead to all you want to do and be and accomplish in the new year. I…

January 2, 2018
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Create a Money Ritual Part One

Dear Community, Maybe it’s my rule-breaker nature, but I’m much more hermit than social butterfly, this time of year. Don’t get me wrong: I love a girlfriends’ soirée. (I’ll have cupcakes and Pinot Noir with the best of them.) And my little family has our own annual Holiday rituals. But for me, this is mostly a time of year to slow down. To take stock. To reflect and honor. To look back over the year that’s ending … before setting…

December 18, 2017
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Money Story

Has this ever happened to you? Someone asks you a question — one you know the answer to, inside and out, like the back of your very own hand. But somehow, for some reason, you flub it. You give a weirdly incomplete or off-the-mark answer. Like when someone asks you how you got into the work you do. And you give a quick recap of the story … and later realize that you only told the boring bits! Somehow, you…

November 28, 2017
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