Money Healing

Dear Friends, Have you ever been in a conversation where you thought it would be about one thing, and then you realize, right in the middle of the conversation, that it feels like your life is about to make a major, exciting change of direction? Well, that just happened to me last week on a Zoom call. In this particular call, I was chatting with a fellow financial therapist about life, my Mentor Program (which she had taken last year),…

February 16, 2024
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Dear Money Adventurer, Every single day of our lives, whether we realize it or not, each one of us is writing our own unique Money Story. Yet, no matter how different our journeys may be, there are certain themes and questions that we all struggle with at some point or another. And when we realize that we aren’t the only ones facing these challenges, the burden is a little easier to carry. That’s why I share these money teachings– because…

February 1, 2024
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Dear Money Adventurer, Without a doubt, the most obvious recurring pattern I’ve seen in working with thousands of people around money issues is this: We all have our own unique, interconnected, interwoven layers that make up the stories we have about money. When we think about doing any kind of money work, or even do something simple like talk about our financial situation with our intimate partner, different parts of our money story can pop up and cause an array…

January 10, 2024
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